You can take back what you said, no matter how long ago. At least on Telegram. The encrypted messaging app on Sunday said it’ll let users unsend anything, taking a strong stand on privacy. The delete button allows you to unsend messages in a one-on-one chat from both the sender’s and receiver’s devices. And there’s …
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How to send quoted replies in Facebook Messenger
This week, Facebook began rolling out a new feature to its Messenger users that make it easier to follow conversation threads. Now playing: Watch this: Facebook blunders password management, AT&T and Comcast… 1:30 Message replies, or quoted replies, do just as the name implies. Instead of hopping into a conversation and replying to a message that was sent earlier in …
Read More »Facebook doesn’t waste time, it wastes attention spans. That’s worse
It’s a chilly winter night in Munich, Germany. I’m alone in an empty hostel dorm, basking in the warmth of the heater and the hostel’s surprising hygiene, trying to watch Mad Men on my MacBook. I say “trying” because this is proving to be a peculiarly difficult task. Watching 50-minute episodes of Mad Men is taking anywhere between one and …
Read More »Facebook Messenger rolls out threaded replies to help you follow conversations
Following conversations in a Facebook Messenger group chat may get a whole lot easier. On Wednesday the company rolled out a message replies feature that lets users respond to a specific message in a chat. Long-press a message and hit Reply to quote it above your response so everyone’s clear what you’re responding to. Facebook redesigned its Messenger app …
Read More »Facebook: New Zealand shooting video had fewer than 200 real
Facebook on Tuesday offered some statistics in its defense following criticism of its struggle to contain the spread of a livestream video of Friday’s mass shooting in New Zealand. The social network said that the stream had fewer than 200 viewers during the live broadcast and that the video got roughly 4,000 views before it was taken down. The numbers …
Read More »Facebook takes steps to protect you from discriminatory ads
Facebook is making changes to a range of ads on the social network in an effort to protect its users who are searching for a job or housing from discrimination. Advertisers that run housing, employment and credit ads will no longer be able to target users based on age, gender or ZIP code, and will also have fewer options when …
Read More »How Facebook, Twitter rely on you to stop spread of mosque shooting video
When Ruth Meeker heard that a gunman had opened fire inside a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday, she turned to social media site Twitter to learn more about the attack. What she saw next horrified her. After clicking on a hashtag about the shooting, a gruesome video of the massacre that the alleged gunman livestreamed on Facebook started …
Read More »Facebook has removed 1.5M videos of New Zealand mosque massacre
Facebook said it deleted 1.5 million copies of the New Zealand mosque terror attack video from its platform in the first 24 hours after the massacre. The social networking giant said in a tweet Saturday night that the majority of the videos were blocked before making it to the web. “In the first 24 hours we removed 1.5 million videos …
Read More »CNET Asks: Did you notice the Facebook outage?
Facebook experienced an almost day-long outage on Wednesday. Facebook’s outage affected a near 2 billion people, with their problems starting around 9 a.m. PT Wednesday morning. The outage affected users mainly in the US and Europe, but also affected users in South America, Australia and Asia. The outage was also felt in apps and companies owned by Facebook, most notably …
Read More »Facebook’s new AI tool will help battle revenge porn
Facebook is taking on revenge porn. The social network has added new detection technology and an online resource hub to help prevent non-consensual intimate images, also known as revenge porn. The artificial intelligence-enabled tech is able to detect “near nude images or videos that are shared without permission on Facebook and Instagram,” the social network said Friday, adding that it’s …
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