Tag Archives: election

Trump dials back anti

Social media gave a big salute on Veterans Day, while outrage morphs into violence over the election. Also trending on social media are Nintendo releasing its throwback NES classic on Friday and people hunting for a pair of Snapchat Spectacle shades. Social Cues is our guide to what’s trending across Facebook and Twitter. Here’s what …

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Zuckerberg: Fake news on Facebook affected election? That’s ‘crazy’

Now playing: Watch this: Facebook says don’t blame it for Trump 1:09 After Donald Trump won the US presidential election on Tuesday, some commentators argued that fake news circulating on Facebook helped the real estate mogul turned reality TV personality win. There was, for example, this story from the nonexistent Denver Guardian about an FBI agent associated with Hillary Clinton‘s …

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WikiLeaks grilled on Trump, Assange in rowdy Reddit AMA

WikiLeaks is known for pushing the boundaries, and it didn’t pull punches Thursday during a freewheeling Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. Staffers from the whistle-blowing site were bombarded with questions that focused heavily on the part WikiLeaks played during this year’s US presidential election. They repeatedly denied conspiring with President-elect Donald Trump in his heated race with Hillary Clinton, …

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#Calexit secession movement trends on Twitter

So, social media (and all media actually) got it wrong with the predicted outcome of the US presidential election. Enlarge Image #Calexit was trending nationally on Twitter Wednesday morning. Screenshot by CNET But it’s moving onward and upward…or at least westerly in the case of #Calexit. The Brexit-inspired hashtag for a movement calling for California’s secession from the US is …

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President Donald Trump and the social media fallout

Donald Trump is the president-elect, and social media can’t believe it. Election Day is still sending shockwaves across Facebook and Twitter after the Republican candidate defeated Hillary Clinton in a highly unexpected victory. With a 2016 election that played out across social media, Americans are looking to the online platforms once again to talk about what happens next. Social Cues …

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Martin Shkreli fires up Wu

The morning after Donald Trump’s Election 2016 victory, hedge fund founder and former pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli appears to be making good on a promise to mark the occasion. He’s releasing the Wu-Tang Clan album “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” — the lone copy of which he purchased for $2 million in 2015. Just hours after Trump won the …

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Google casts Election Day reminder doodles

Google really wants to be sure you remember to vote Tuesday. There’s much at stake in this year’s election. In addition to a tight and ferocious race for the White House, there are 165 propositions on the ballot in 35 states, affecting more than 200 million people in the US, according to Google. Enlarge Image Google’s Tuesday doodle: Get off …

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Filter the politics from your Facebook feed

It’s almost over. We’re almost there. In just a few more hours, this disgusting display of political jackanapery will be finished. If you’ve sworn off social media until then, I wouldn’t blame you. Lately it feels like Facebook should add a tagline: “Brought to you by politics!” Because, let’s face it, most of our feeds are rife with political news …

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Election Day fever takes over social media

Sorry today’s Social Cues is late. Like so many of you, I was out voting this morning! Election Day is dominating Twitter and Facebook, as the country decides who will be the next president. After more than a year of trending topics for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — and that time Gary Johnson drew a blank on Aleppo …

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Yes we Canada: Immigration site crashes as Trump leads election

Forecasts are showing that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, and that’s got many concerned — concerned enough to leave the country, apparently. Canada’s immigration website crashed on Tuesday night, just as the New York Times’ forecast gave Trump a 95 percent chance of defeating Hillary Clinton to win the election. Social media remains ablaze, …

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