Tag Archives: apple

Siri and other voice assistants have a long way to go, research shows

Conversations with robots are still pretty crummy. Anyone who’s had to bark at Alexa three times to turn off the lights knows this irritation quite well. Now a new study from Adobe, released Thursday, provides some insights into how much folks use voice assistants and how much they like — and dislike — them. In …

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How to get MacOS High Sierra right now

Apple has released the public beta of MacOS High Sierra, which means that you don’t need a developer account to check out the next version of MacOS. All you need is an Apple ID. Before you go out and update your Mac with the beta, however, you should use some caution. As with any beta software, you may run into …

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Apple Maps has a hidden VR/AR trick in iOS 11

I’ve been using iOS 11 public beta for a week and I never knew that it had a secret little bit of 3D magic hidden inside. Apple’s augmented reality in ARKit isn’t available to try out in the public beta of iOS 11, but there is something that’s close: Apple Maps. Walkthrough 3D flyovers in major cities come close to …

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This concept Airbnb app for iPhone uses AR in great ways

Airbnb may make it socially acceptable to stay in a stranger’s house, but that doesn’t mean it’s not awkward when you have to ransack the house to find the recycling bin. That’s why designer Isil Uzum created a concept for mapping an apartment with augmented reality. It’s just the fit for an Airbnb app using Apple’s ARKit software for augmented reality. …

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The iPhone turns 10: A look back

The original iPhone hit stores on June 29, 2007 — and the world hasn’t been the same since. If that sounds like hyperbole, consider this: You’re probably reading this on an iPhone or its chief rival, an Android phone. You’ve seen countless photos or videos in the past 24 hours — on social media, on TV news — that were …

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Greenpeace slams Apple, Samsung tech for poor repairability

Environmental activist organization Greenpeace has teamed up with repair gurus iFixit to rate a selection of 40 phones, laptops and tablets for the ability to make common repairs that might extend their lifespans, keep them out of landfills and make it possible to easily recycle the parts. Popular products from Apple, Samsung and Microsoft did not fare well. (Download the …

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iPhone 2007, meet 2017: Using the original, 10 years later

Editors’ note: The story below was first published on January 9, 2017, to mark the 10th anniversary of Steve Jobs announcing the original iPhone. We’re republishing it to mark the June 29 anniversary of that first iPhone going on sale. It’s so small. When you think of a phone, you’re probably imagining something wide, larger-screened, beefy. This thing I’m holding …

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Apple’s Siri will get human help to be cool

Apple wants to hire a human assistant for its Siri digital assistant. We swear, we’re not making this up.  According to an open Apple req flagged by 9to5Mac, the iPhone maker wants to make Siri more culturally with it. Or in Apple’s words, “to provide strategic awareness of cultural happenings in the collective zeitgeist.” In our words, Apple wants to …

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How iOS 11 makes the iPad (mostly) better

Now playing: Watch this: iOS 11 transforms the iPad 2:12 The iPad has slowly been growing up, both through seriously fast hardware and more versatile software. On the surface, iOS 11 promises some features that sound almost Mac-like. I’ve been holding out hope that these will transform the iPad into the touchscreen MacBook replacement I’ve long been seeking. After using …

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Apple TVOS 11 is now available through Apple’s public beta program

Now playing: Watch this: WWDC 2017 recap and reactions (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy,… 0:44 For the first time Apple TV owners have a chance to test an upcoming software update before it’s done. Alongside releasing the iOS 11 public beta, Apple published TVOS 11 as part of the same beta program. Installing the unreleased, and sometimes buggy, software update only …

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