Tag Archives: apple-iphone

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 becomes top

So far it looks like Samsung has recovered from last year’s Note 7 flameout, new US sales data from the company shows. The new high-end Samsung Galaxy Note 8 phone is the best-selling Note in the US based on preorders so far, the Korean electronics giant said Friday. It declined to share details about exactly …

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CNET asks: How much do you know about the iPhone?

It’s hard to believe the iPhone has been around for a decade. Geez, where did the time go?! Over the years iPhone refinements have been made, the phones’ sizes have changed and features have been added as well as removed — the list is huge. And next Tuesday, on Sept. 12, the highly anticipated new iPhone 8 (or whatever it …

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Red’s $1,200 ‘holographic’ phone powered by 3D tech from Leia

Don’t expect a hologram of Princess Leia to pop out of the Hydrogen One phone, pleading “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.” But in a different way Leia will be inside the $1,200 phone due to arrive next year. Red, the high-end cinema camera maker behind the Hydrogen One, said Friday that a startup called Leia is providing …

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iPhone 8 price: Big changes will likely cost you more than ever

After three years, the iPhone redesign is finally on its way. But it may not be for you.  Apple on Tuesday is widely expected to launch its next flagship phone, which, if rumors are true, will end up coming as three different models. One — a pricey version commonly dubbed the iPhone 8, iPhone X or iPhone Pro — is expected …

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Raise your prices, Samsung and Apple, people will keep buying

Between Samsung and Apple, there are a whole bunch of shiny new toys being paraded around this month. September is smartphone Christmas.  It’s also like Christmas when it comes to the price tags.  Samsung this week released its Galaxy Note 8. I have held one in my hands, and it’s beautiful. I have seen the light. I have also seen …

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This custom iPhone 7 sports a headphone jack

When Apple’s iPhone 7 hit the scene without a headphone jack last September, many mourned the loss. Former software engineer Scotty Allen is one of those people. Allen famously made his own iPhone 6s from parts bought at electronics markets in China, so it wasn’t a huge stretch for him to pick up an iPhone 7 and decide to install a …

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Meet Samsung’s next dual camera phones: Galaxy J7+ and C8

The Galaxy Note 8 became Samsung‘s first phone to have dual rear cameras, but just two weeks later, the company has already taken the wraps off of two new dual-camera phones that couldn’t be less like the Note: the Galaxy J7+ and the Galaxy C8. Both much more affordable, much more basic Android phones, the presence of two lenses on the back is basically …

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Pebble founder’s next move: An AirPod

The man who made the Pebble watch is back on Kickstarter again, but this time he’s making an iPhone case. It sounds ridiculous, but according to Eric Migicovsky, there are greater things down the road, and he’s partnering with a former co-founder of Avegant and an engineer at Pebble to do it. Migicovsky last year sold his smartwatch company, Pebble, …

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5 ways iOS 11 will change your iPad

Get ready because iOS 11 is going to make your iPad look and act in completely different ways. Apple puts multitasking front and center with iOS 11, making the iPad a more powerful and more flexible device. You’ll likely come to enjoy your iPad’s newfound multitasking abilities after upgrading to iOS 11, but the changes will take a little getting used …

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The iPhone’s home button: Will we miss it? (The 3:59, EP. 280)

Ending months of rumors, Apple is expected to finally reveal its newest iPhone to the world on Tuesday. For today’s show, we discussed the biggest change rumored for the device — the loss of the home button — and whether that’s even such a big deal. Plus, we chat about Amazon’s continued push to rid its sites of fake reviews …

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