Tag Archives: 5g

How 5G aims to end network latency

Just about everything you hear about 5G points out how its higher data speeds will let you download videos or update your apps much more quickly. Well, whoop-de-do. Faster data is helpful, but a different 5G benefit could actually be a bigger deal: reducing network communication delays called latency. Latency is the time it takes …

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FCC kicks off investigation into broadband map accuracy

The federal government keeps a map that highlights areas that have or don’t have broadband service. Critics say this national broadband map doesn’t accurately reflect the level of access in the US. Now, the Federal Communications Commission is going to act on this. On Friday, Chairman Ajit Pai said his agency will investigate if carrier companies have submitted incorrect coverage …

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Qualcomm aims straight at Intel with 8cx chip, its first CPU for PCs

If it’s up to Qualcomm, Windows PCs are about to get even more phonelike and powerful. The company on Thursday unveiled its first processor designed specifically for computers, called the Snapdragon 8cx Compute Platform. The processor aims to provide a big leap over Qualcomm’s year-ago efforts in 2-in-1 laptops. At that time, partners like HP and Asus used Qualcomm’s Snapdragon …

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People are buying 4G LTE laptops

The best way to sell always-connected PCs is downplaying the actual connectivity part. At least, that’s what Lenovo has found through the past year of selling computers powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon LTE processors, said Matt Bereda, vice president of global consumer marketing for PCs and tablets at Lenovo. Even though all of the devices are capable of running on 4G …

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OnePlus’ 5G phone is going to cost you much more than its predecessors

If you want a 5G phone next year, you’re going to pay much more for it.  How much more? In the case of OnePlus, it could be $200 to $300 higher than this year’s flagship OnePlus 6T, CEO Pete Lau said in an interview with CNET. That’s a whopping 36 percent to 55 percent increase. The Chinese handset maker has …

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Trump popped into White House meeting with Google, Microsoft, IBM, Qualcomm chiefs

The White House held a roundtable “listening session” on innovation with top tech executives on Thursday, part of the Trump Administration efforts to ensure US leadership in emerging fields, such as artificial intelligence, 5G wireless and quantum computing. Executives who participated include Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, Google’s Sundar Pichai, Oracle’s Safra Catz, Qualcomm’s Steve Mollenkopf, IBM’s Ginni Rometty and others, according …

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No OnePlus 5G phone for Verizon in the first half of 2019

It seems like a perfect marriage. OnePlus has announced it’ll launch its 5G phone in the first half of 2019. Verizon can’t stop talking about 5G. But fresh evidence that OnePlus’ 5G phone won’t land on Verizon’s network came to light this week at Qualcomm’s annual tech summit held in Maui, HI.  OnePlus has already cozied up to Verizon with the OnePlus …

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Samsung and Qualcomm phone prototypes tease our 5G future

You’d never know by looking at the brick-like phone that it’s one of the fastest devices on the planet. The generic-looking handset is a prototype design that Qualcomm made to showcase 5G, but it — and another prototype made by Samsung — prove that the age of 5G phones and networks is coming fast. Qualcomm, alongside partners Samsung, Verizon and …

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AT&T to offer two 5G phones from Samsung next year

AT&T has added another 5G device to its upcoming lineup. The carrier said Wednesday it’s working with Samsung to offer another 5G phone next year. The smartphone will support 5G mmWave and sub-6 GHz and will be offered in the second half of 2019. This comes after AT&T said Tuesday it will carry a 5G Samsung phone starting in the spring. In October, …

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5G phones and service will cost you, Samsung, Verizon and AT&T almost admit

If you plan to be one of the first to own a 5G phone, maybe you’d better start saving up. Samsung, Verizon and AT&T can’t stop talking about 5G’s blazing speeds and instant connection, or how you’ll be able to download the sixth season of House of Cards on Netflix in minutes. But try asking them how much owning one …

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