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Will you be able to swipe your iPhone 5 like an Oyster card?

Apple is reportedly researching technology that could allow iPhones to be used to pay for things wirelessly, with just a swipe. Apple has hired a chap called Benjamin Vigier who works in near-field communication (NFC), a technology which sends wireless data from chips within devices such as the Tube’s Oyster cards to payment terminals or other devices, according to Businessweek. …

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White iPhone 4 a mere myth? Apple delays it

Like the unicorn, the white iPhone 4 has become something of a fairy tale, a beacon of pearly phone tech we’ve seen in pictures, but never had the opportunity to touch and feel. It’s beginning to feel like we never will with the hallowed device delayed again, this time until spring 2011, according to Reuters. Apple usually releases their new …

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