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Telegram registers in Russia after ban threat

After being threatened with a ban, it looks like Telegram is playing ball with Russia’s government. Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov has agreed to register the company with the Russian government, but won’t comply with laws that are “incompatible with the protection of [user] privacy and Telegram’s policies on confidentiality.” Durov announced his decision on Wednesday via VK, the Russian version …

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9 tips for getting started with Bixby Voice

Now playing: Watch this: 5 tips for getting started with Bixby Voice 2:52 Bixby is the assistant software unveiled to much fanfare alongside the Samsung Galaxy S8 ($180 at eBay) and Galaxy S8 Plus. It comes in three flavors: Bixby Home, Bixby Vision and Bixby Voice. Bixby Voice, which is similar to Siri or Google Assistant, was the only facet of …

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