Classic Layout

CES comes but once a year

Shortly after we’ve unwrapped our Christmas presents, and hopefully before we’ve broken them, Crave will be heading off to Las Vegas for the 2007 International Consumer Electronics Show, or CES to its many friends. It’s the world’s largest annual tradeshow for consumer technology, with over 2,500 exhibitors showing off their stuff in over 150,000 square metres of exhibition space. The …

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Miglia TVMax: Make your Mac Mini into a PVR

Crave loves gadgets that plays nicely with the other kit we adore, and the TVMax sits so perfectly under a Mac Mini you could forget it was even there. Apart from looking cute, it enables you to record analogue TV via an aerial or from your cable box. You can give it your cable feed for up to 125 channels, …

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Richard’s Christmas cravings: Home

“We’re gonna to need a bigger chimney”, Santa might say, in his best Chief Brody (Jaws) impression, at first sight of my Christmas wish list. But, as far as anyone knows, I’ve been a good boy, so even if it takes a few extra elves to cram my ultimate home-cinema system beneath the tree, I deserve it! The centrepiece of …

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Arcam Solo 5.1: Home cinema turbo tortoise

Like the fable involving the hare and the tortoise, there are two routes you can take to home-cinema happiness. There’s the long, arduous but ultimately rewarding trek taken by separates, or the quick, convenient shortcut offered by all-in-one systems — but as Aesop will tell you, speed is often undone in the end. Most home-cinema systems give you affordability at …

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HD DVD vs. Blu

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably started to think vaguely about what goodies you’ll buy during the inevitable last-minute Christmas Eve shopping frenzy. While you contemplate which colour socks and underwear to purchase, spare a thought for Blu-ray and HD DVD — two of the hottest tech brands for this Christmas and next year. Films and players for the …

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Hitachi Picture Master LCD: In plane and simple

The technical doctors at Hitachi claim to have found a cure for some of the annoying ailments that have traditionally plagued LCD technology -– poor contrast, restricted peripheral vision and slow response times. The new Picture Master models, available in 32-inch and 37-inch screen sizes, claim to be the first LCD screens to feature the latest generation of In Plane …

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Rory’s Christmas craving: LG Royal

Crave remembers when the Christmas period was predominately a religious celebration — back when there were no iPods and humans actually gave a toss about each other. Not any more though. Today it’s all about giving and receiving, with an emphasis on the receiving. So given our editor’s request that we each choose our ultimate Christmas present, I’ve gone for …

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Evesham Alqemi LCD: Screen savers

Evesham hasn’t just thrown down the gauntlet for competitively priced LCDs, it’s mounted its trusty steed and thrust a lance into the budget screen market with a range of TVs at prices that are, well, medieval… Crave had only just scraped our jaws from the floor following news of the PC company’s cut-price ‘Full HD’ 1080p screens before the latest …

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Goodmans GHD8015F: Affordable recordable

The early price of digital recorders left most people clinging to their VCRs and praying for a pay rise. But, in only a few years, prices have plummeted and now it’s not just DVD recorders that are stocking the budget shelves but hard disk recorders too. The Goodmans GHD8015F is the first hard disk recorder we’ve seen that costs less …

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