Classic Layout


Here in the UK we’ve long been the poor cousin to the US and its dozens of high-definition TV channels, which are available over terrestrial airwaves in the case of the main networks. The hi-def party’s swinging this way though, with the BBC’s HD offering getting Ofcom approval and Channel 4 announcing an HD service …

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Pioneer 2007 plasma TV line

Crave has always had a soft spot for Pioneer’s plasma televisions — they’re a little more expensive than the competition, but the quality has always been some of the best about. With their 2007 range, Pioneer is concentrating on two areas: better blacks and 1080p. The new TVs all have support for 24p, which means they can show movies at …

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PS3 price cut won’t upset us, says HD DVD group

Barely a week goes by without at least one member of the Blu-ray disc association claiming victory already/by next week/by the new year. Let’s be honest, it gets a little annoying hearing them blabber on about how HD DVD doesn’t have a chance. Traditionally, the HD DVD promotional group has been less vocal when it comes to the mudslinging, but …

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Toshiba HD

It’s no secret: we’ve been on the edges of our seats, waiting for the 1080p HD DVD player from Toshiba, for a while now. Finally, Crave is pleased to announce, the HD-XE1 is in the office. Until now, only having a 1080i player — the Toshiba HD-E1 — hasn’t really been a huge problem because most of the televisions we’ve …

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The New York Times is reporting that Warner Bros. has developed what it is calling the ‘Total HD Disc’, which will play in both HD DVD and Blu-ray players. While the format war will continue behind the scenes for some time to come, at least this system could protect the rest of us from it and enable us to pick …

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Samsung LE46F86: 1080p LCD TV causes mass drooling

Here at the offices we give daily thanks for the constant influx of the latest gadgets to play with. The downside, as you can imagine, is that it takes a product of polar coolness to trigger a collective drooling in such battle-weary tech journalists. Yesterday, however, a box landed that triggered a mass salivation — the Samsung LE46F86. This …

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After nine months, major retailer JB Hi-Fi has reversed its decision to exclusively stock Blu-ray products in-store, opening the floor for HD DVD players and titles. While the chain has been selling HD DVD titles online since early this year, the decision to share physical store space with the competing format is a major setback for the Sony driven Blu-ray, …

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Samsung BD

If you’re an AV pacifist then the whole next-generation DVD format war will no doubt be as distasteful to you as kicking kittens. Luckily Samsung wants you to preserve your moral code by finding a peaceful compromise. Its new BS-UP5000 will play both HD DVD and Blu-ray without so much as a cross word or angry gesture. Even more exciting …

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HD DVD: The format of choice for geek TV

Are you a dork? Do you love TV? If the answer to both those questions is yes, you’ll probably want to select HD DVD as your next- generation format of choice, because there are some seriously exciting sci-fi TV shows hitting the format in the next few months. We already know that Heroes is on the way to HD DVD, …

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Sony Bravia KDL

We got some one-on-one time with the Bravia D3000 TVs at Sony’s annual event in March and we haven’t been able to stop thinking about them since. With the impending arrival of the 32-inch KDL-32D3000 model we’ll be reviewing it in full soon, but until then here’s some more tantalising info on this eagerly awaited television. The highlights of this …

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