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Opera Mini 5 beta for Android: First Look video

Earlier this week, Opera Software released Opera Mini 5 beta for Android, a vast improvement to the version 4.2 browser that had previously been available for Android. Opera Mini 5 beta isn’t new to the scene–it’s been out for some months on Java phones, BlackBerry, and interestingly, it just hopped on board Windows phones. In this First Look video, we …

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Adult content: Risque iPhone apps

Third-party applications are a big part of what makes the iPhone (and iPod Touch) so desirable, but Apple is hardly perfect when it comes to presenting them in the store. There’s still no way to gift a specific app, for example. But there is something that draws even more ire from the scores of iPhone owners: censorship. Apple has no …

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Sharp TU

In the race to bring a Freeview HD tuner to market, Humax was first to cross the finishing line, with the rather wonderful HD-FOX T2. Suffering terrible jogger’s nipple in a bid to take second and third place are Sharp’s offerings, the diabolically monikered TU-T2 and TU-T2HR32. The TU-T2HR32 (shown above) is the higher-end model, seeking to outdo the single-tuner, memory-free HD-FOX T2 …

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More possible iPad camera evidence surfaces

More clues are being discovered in hardware and software leading to speculation that the iPad can support a front-facing iSight camera. According to PowerbookMedic’s blog, the site received photos of what are supposed to be the final revision iPad midframe. The pictures appear similar to the ones that MissionRepair released about a month ago. More proof the Apple iPad could …

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Samsung Genio Slide: Two

The Samsung Genio family of budget mobiles is growing. You can already choose from a full touchscreen phone, the Samsung Genio, or the BlackBerry-inspired Samsung Genio Qwerty, which sports a Qwerty keyboard but lacks a touchscreen. As of today, you can get a bit of both with the Genio Slide — also known as the Genio Pro — a touchscreen …

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The refrigerator: There’s an App Magnet for that

These real-world “apps” will keep the kids’ artwork stuck to your fridge! Jailbreak Toys A refrigerator is not a refrigerator without magnets. And a self-respecting iPhone/iPod Touch owner is not a self-respecting iPhone/iPod Touch owner without a set of Jailbreak Toys App Magnets. I mean, how awesome are these things! They come in sets of 18 (one for each stock …

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Android phones get Opera Mini 5 beta

All those Android smartphone owners who have been wondering when they can ditch the outmoded Opera Mini 4.2 browser in favor of the latest beta can now unfold their pouts, stop that kicking, and remove their pounding fists from the floor. Opera Mini 5 beta for Android has arrived. On Thursday, Opera Software pushed out the Android version of its …

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What’s in a title? For broadband, it’s Oz vs. Kansas

Editors’ note: This is a guest column. See Larry Downes’ bio below. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. In 1996, Congress passed the landmark Telecommunications Act. The last major reform of communications law, the 1996 act ended Judge Harold Greene’s 10-year effort to run America’s telecommunications industry from his judicial chambers after the forced …

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