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iOS 5 may have smarter voice

Adding full-blown voice recognition to mobile phones is a total no-brainer. Apple may be the first to achieve it by marrying its advanced office-friendly iPhone and iPad apps with decent native voice recognition in iOS 5. Jobs’ mob is in “serious negotiations” with speech technology company Nuance, according to TechCrunch. Some voice control is present in iOS, but it’s far …

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iOS 4.3.1 update goes live, but iOS 5 may not be released until Autumn

Another iOS update? Quick, dash to your computer! Oh, actually, maybe don’t rush. Apple has pushed out the iOS 4.3.1 software update for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, but it’s essentially just bug fixes. Separately, though, there’s some intriguing information on the loose about the next major update to Apple’s software, iOS 5. iOS 4.3.1’s release comes hot on the …

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Angry Birds sync feature will keep your score across devices

If you’re one of those people who’ve bought Angry Birds multiple times for different devices, rejoice. You’ll soon be able to port your saved game between your gadgets. Rovio, the developer behind the game, has confirmed on Twitter that its sync feature will make its debut in the next couple of months. “We are working hard on that, before summer is the …

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Mystery iPhone includes unseen version of iOS

A couple of videos have appeared that seem to show a pre-production white iPhone 4 running a version of iOS with previously unseen features. In the first video, uploaded to YouTube by Vietnamese tech blog Tinh te, a disembodied pair of hands holds what appears to be a white iPhone 4. As the anonymous owner’s digits poke around the touchscreen, …

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Windows Phone will overtake iPhone by 2015, analyst divines

Analyst firm IDC has stuck its neck out with a futuregazing report that sees Windows Phone overhauling Apple’s iOS in just four years. With Ovum forecasting that Microsoft’s OS will overtake BlackBerry by 2016, the analyst reports are making good reading for Redmond this month. Both sets of forecasts agree that Google’s Android will be top dog, though. IDC predicts …

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Apple Maps is going places with new iOS Maps developer job

Apple is mapping the future of its maps app. The fruit-flavoured phone-flogger is advertising for a software engineer to improve the features and interface of maps on iOS devices, including the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Apple is advertising for an iOS Maps application developer. Based in Apple’s California headquarters, the role requires knowledge of Objective-C, C, or C++ program …

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How to delete text messages from the iPhone

Perhaps when iOS 5 arrives this fall, it will offer a way to delete text messages en masse. Currently, your deleting options are limited in the iPhone’s native texting app, which is disappointing to anyone with dozens if not hundreds of old text messages littering your inbox. At the present, you have three methods to delete texts: 1. The fastest …

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