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Motorola teases new 4G phone via Facebook

Motorola has a new 4G smartphone up its sleeve but has turned the device’s name into a guessing game. Hinting about the device on its Facebook page, the company is asking people to identify the phone. Promising a new clue each day all week, Motorola has so far revealed that the new smartphone will support 4G LTE. The answer is …

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Possible reference to 9

9to5Mac The latest evidence that Apple is ready to abandon its iconic dock connector in favor of a smaller solution comes in the form of a reference to a 9-pin connector in the code for iOS 6 beta. The code string was uncovered by 9to5Mac and directly conflicts with several other reports of the possible size of a smaller dock …

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Verizon divulges high data plans under ‘Share Everything’

Apparently Verizon Wireless has been offering users several high-GB data plans without publicly announcing it. According to Computerworld, a company spokesperson confirmed that the carrier is giving users a choice of five more data tiers for their family plans than those previously announced with Share Everything. The five tiers have been offered to customers since June through customer service on …

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HipGeo makes documenting your travels easy on iOS

HipGeo Travel Blog and Trip Journal (free) lets you tell the story of your vacation with images, videos, text, tags, and more all tied to your geolocation. You start by signing up through Facebook or Twitter, then you can choose people to share your travels with. If you just want to see the app in action before you take your …

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ACCC puts an end to ‘Wi

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has declared the use of “Wi-Fi Ready” misleading on devices that require additional hardware. Five major manufacturers are changing relevant marketing to comply with the review. In a news release, the ACCC pointed to televisions and Blu-ray players as the focus of the review of marketing practices. Manufacturers will either remove the terms …

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Samsung will pay you up to $300 for your phone

Samsung Electronics is looking to press its momentum with the Galaxy S III smartphone. The Korean electronics conglomerate said it will offer up to $300 for an existing smartphone if you switch to one of its phones. You can check out the offer here. Samsung has emerged as a dominant player in the smartphone business, taking the crown away from …

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