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Motorola tweaks Android timeline, details Froyo support

Last weekend Motorola refreshed its support forum for Android software upgrades. This latest round of news can be broken down into three categories: good, bad, and downright disappointing. Let’s start with the good news, shall we? As many of you are already aware, the Droid currently is receiving its 2.2 “Froyo” update. Meanwhile, the Droid …

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Is Apple bumper case scuffing steel antenna band on iPhone 4?

According to a growing thread in the Apple Support Discussions forums, the Apple bumper case, made specifically for the iPhone 4 (and a major part of the “Antennagate” solution), is scratching the steel antenna band. ASD user Dayvidpriddy reports: “I received my black bumper about a week ago now. Took off the bumper tonight to clean my phone down and …

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Content kings control the future of IPTV

New technologies are making it easier to get high-quality video streams just about anywhere and on any device, but content owners are still calling the shots. What this means for consumers is that the dream of cutting the paid-TV cord and getting everything you want streamed over the Net without a subscription and largely for free is a pipe dream. …

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Survey: smartphone usage

The times they are a-changin’; our phones are getting smarter and the stats are showing we are making less calls and we’re instead using them more for a wide range of different tasks — web browsing, gaming, multimedia. One of the areas this impacts most is in the average battery life of modern smartphones. At CNET we strive to determine …

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Foursquare founder dismisses Facebook Places as ‘boring’

Foursquare co-founder Dennis Crowley has checked into Bittersville — mayor: him — and described new rival service Facebook Places as “boring”. Crowley says he doesn’t feel threatened by the 500 million-strong site’s rival service as it lacks gaming incentives. Following the US launch of Facebook Places last week, Crowley told The Telegraph that Facebook’s only advantage is its much larger …

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Where’s my 4G?

It’s not an overstatement to say that Sprint pulled off a significant coup earlier this year when it introduced America’s first 4G smartphone to rave reviews. The HTC Evo 4G not only attracted new customers to a carrier that had long been losing them, but it also gave a much needed boost to a struggling brand. Though the Evo 4G, …

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