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RIM’s BBX phones may abandon classic Bold look

The iconic BlackBerry Bold look may be going the way of the dinosaurs once Research In Motion introduces its line of next-generation smartphones. Is the Bold’s iconic look going away with BBX? Research In Motion BlackBerrys running on RIM’s next-generation platform, dubbed BBX, will use the same screen aspect ratio as the PlayBook tablet, RIM said yesterday in PC Magazine. …

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BlackBerry suffers BBM delays, plans to abandon Qwerty

Beleaguered BlackBerry has had another black day as users found their messages delayed yesterday. And in a move that may be unpopular with fans, BlackBerry manufacturer Research in Motion has hinted that forthcoming BBX phones will abandon the traditional BlackBerry design. It seems messages sent via the popular BlackBerry Messenger app were delayed in reaching their destination. Research in Motion …

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Apple and Android outsell Nintendo and Sony handhelds

iOS and Android games are generating more cash than Nintendo and Sony’s handhelds, indicating that the future of portable gaming isn’t dedicated consoles — it’s smart phones. Research from analytics firm Flurry predicts iOS and Android’s total US gaming revenue for 2011 will trump sales from Nintendo’s DS and Sony’s PSP handhelds combined. It’s estimated that iOS and Android will …

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Five best HDTVs under $1,000

At CNET, we’re sticklers for picture quality. But we also respect the desire to spend less than a grand on a TV. Put those two principles together and you get the five TVs below, arranged in order of which ones we like best. None scored lower than a 7 in performance. Screen size also plays a factor in the rankings, …

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Nokia Lumia 800 only available on contract until 2012

Update: Nokia has denied the Lumia 800 will not be available SIM-free. Read more details here. Original story follow. Bad news Nokia fans — the Nokia Lumia 800 SIM-free model has been held back until January next year. That means you’ll need to buy into a contract if you want to get your hands on Nokia’s first Windows Phone device …

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Android, iOS and Windows Phone compared in infographic

In June we showed you a handy chart that listed the pros and cons of each major mobile OS, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone. Now, the company behind the original infographic, has revised its epic image to account for updates to those operating systems. iOS is now on iOS 5, BlackBerry OS 7 is the newest …

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Apple has ‘no plans’ for Siri on iPhone 4

Apple has “no plans” to bring Siri to older devices such as the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS, quashing the hopes of those who own its older phones and want to play with Apple’s voice-controlled robot butler. We had heard Apple was testing Siri on the iPhone 4, but in an email obtained by developer Michael Steeber in reply to …

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Digital games market could be worth $53B by 2016

Is there anywhere Angry Birds won’t go? Research firm Ovum doesn’t think so, and expects hits such as Angry Birds to drive growth in the digital gaming market. The firm predicts that the market, which comprises any online games played on the PC, console, or smartphone, will double over the next five years to $53 billion. The market for mobile …

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