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Last updated August 29, 3:30 AM PT, with a correction on Java inventor James Gosling’s view on the suit, and an additional quote from former Sun chief open source officer Simon Phipps.  In the two weeks that the Oracle v. Google trial has been under way, it’s become clear that Sun’s top executives weren’t unified in their …

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No evidence to link mobile phones to increased cancer risk

“Shut it, you’re using up all the minutes on my talk-til-you-get-head-cancer tariff,” barked Downing Street press officer Malcolm Tucker down his mobile at a lackey in The Thick of It. Thankfully for psychotic spin doctors everywhere, and the rest of us phone freaks, a major clinical review has found no evidence to clearly link mobiles to cancer. The biggest round-up …

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Nokia demos indoor

Nokia and several other technology companies are showing off some innovative uses for unlicensed “white space” technology in a trial in the United Kingdom. For the past 10 months, the handset maker has been working to demonstrate applications for the white-space spectrum in trial alongside 17 other technology companies and TV broadcasters, including the BBC, BSkyb, BT, Microsoft, Virgin Media, …

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Asus PadFone reviewed: a cool concept, but too bulky

Now playing: Watch this: Asus PadFone hands-on 1:56 Are you in the awkward position of needing both a phone and a tablet, but you can’t face wandering around with the comically large Samsung Galaxy Note strapped to your face? Asus may have the perfect gadget for you. The PadFone is a 4.3-inch phone that sits inside the body of a …

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The ZTE Score gets a sporty makeover for MetroPCS

About a month ago in March, I got my hands on the ZTE Score by Cricket Wireless. Aside from its decent call quality, there wasn’t much to write home about. The device had a unresponsive touch screen and its speed (both in relation to the processor and network) was sluggish. Tacking on an extra “M” at the end of its …

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Monty Python app brings ‘Flying Circus’ sketches to iOS

“Me, doctor?””No, you patient. Me doctor.” Screenshot by Rick Broida/CNET The handful of Monty Python apps released to date have been of mixed value. The Angry Birds ripoff Cow Tossing was amusing but not fulfilling, while the “Holy Grail” companion The Holy Book of Days offered a fantastic behind-the-scenes look at everyone’s favorite Python movie. Now comes Python Bytes, a …

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Hey Samsung, attacking Apple fans isn’t cool

Samsung’s been promoting its own products by taking a sly swing at Apple fans. But when tech companies take a pop at consumers — rather than each other — it’s not cool. Samsung’s Galaxy S3 is less than a week away from being officially unveiled, and as you’d expect, the company’s marketing machine is now running at full whack. As …

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New BlackBerry phones a no

Eager to see Research In Motion’s latest and greatest phones at BlackBerry World next week? Prepare to be disappointed. RIM will be taking a software-heavy approach this year, using the event to formally unveil its BlackBerry 10 operating system. “We are not unveiling any BlackBerry 10 hardware,” a company representative confirmed to CNET. There’s never been a more crucial BlackBerry …

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Will AT&T and Verizon 4G LTE ever be compatible?

Most people buying the new iPad opt for the Wi-Fi only version. Why? The 4G LTE versions are more expensive, for one thing. And since you can’t switch carriers later, it means you’re locked in to either AT&T or Verizon Wireless. The fact that an AT&T iPad can’t be used on Verizon and Verizon’s iPad can’t be used on AT&T …

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