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Samsung vows to investigate burning Galaxy S3

Samsung has promised to look into an incident that saw one owner’s Galaxy S3 exploding in a car. Posting pictures of the smouldering smart phone on the forum, Dublin-based student dillo2k10 writes that he was “driving along with my Galaxy S3 in my car mount when suddenly a white flame, sparks and a bang …

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Droid Razr Maxx and Droid Razr getting Android 4.0 June 22

No, you’re not dreaming. After much anticipation and teeth gnashing at the lack of Android 4.0 in the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx and Droid Razr, Verizon has confirmed it will push Ice Cream Sandwich updates to the phones immediately. Better still, the handsets will also receive enhanced video chat thanks to a Video Calling Icon. Verizon claims voice-to-text entry will …

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Judges tosses Apple v. Motorola

A U.S. judge has tossed out the Apple v. Motorola patent case for good, according to reports. Judge Richard Posner of the U.S. District of Northern Illinois said that neither Apple nor Motorola has been able to prove damages and that neither company would be permitted to refile a claim, according to All Things Digital. “It would be ridiculous to …

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Wait for Windows Phone 8 or buy a Samsung Galaxy S3?

Microsoft’s newest mobile OS — Windows Phone 8 — will add some key functionality to Microsoft’s smartphones, but is it worth waiting for? The new software offers a few more bells and whistles in terms of functionality for smartphone subscribers. But the bigger deal is that it will offer the necessary hooks for developers and device makers to build more …

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Kickstarter project adds a magnetic skin to iPhones

Not everyone wants to keep their iPhone hidden away in a pocket. Some folks prefer to hang them on hooks or wear them around their necks. And what about sticking them on a fridge, filing cabinet, or other metal surface? If my wife’s phone had a magnetic backing, she could slap it on the door to our garage, thereby increasing …

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Sony to dump $996 million into CMOS imaging production

Sony sees an opportunity in CMOS image sensors and is investing serious cash into them to prove it. The company today announced that it plans to invest about 80 billion yen ($996 million) into the Sony Semiconductor Corp.’s Nagasaki Technology Center. The funds will start flowing in the first half of the fiscal year that ends March 31, 2013 and …

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Android developers can now reply directly to Google Play comments

Android developers now have the ability to reply to user reviews and comments left in the Google Play store, according to the official developers blog. Starting today, those listed with Top Developers badges can log into the Developer Console and leave replies and other messages to users. A wider release is expected once additional feedback is gathered from developers and …

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