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Why you should wait for the Samsung Galaxy S4

It was only about nine months ago that Samsung introduced its flagship Galaxy S3 to the world. There’s no question the device set a new standard for the high-end Android smartphone. It has also been one of Samsung’s hottest selling smartphones. And now it looks like Samsung is about to do it again with the Galaxy S4, set for introduction …

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Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 leaks ahead of MWC

And the leaks continue. The show stands at Mobile World Congress are still being set up as we speak, but someone’s plugged in the Samsung screen early, accidentally showing off the Galaxy Note 8.0, Engadget reports. It’s pretty much as we expected, just about the right size to hold in one hand from the looks of things, and comes with …

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Build and sell apps with no developer skill using AppMachine

BARCELONA, Spain–Developing good apps for iPhone or Android normally takes a lot of skill and potentially tens of thousands of dollars. But with new service AppMachine, shown off here at Mobile World Congress, you’re able to build good looking apps with zero programming knowledge for only 400 euros (around $525) that you can then submit to the iOS or Android …

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Mobile oddities: Delve into the stranger side of MWC

Imagine waking up, reaching for the tablet on your nightstand, and turning on your coffee maker from bed. You catch a few more winks before it alerts you that your hot java’s ready. If Qualcomm’s concept Wi-Fi coffee maker ever goes into production, your mornings may never be quite the same. The coffee maker, however, is just one of many …

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Lily Cole’s social network Impossible starts granting wishes in April

BARCELONA, Spain–A social network based on making wishes and helping others, backed by Lily Cole and Jimmy Wales, is to launch in April — but first, it’s helping Oxbridge students help each other. I caught up with the folks behind “altruistic social network” Impossible at mobile industry wingding Mobile World Congress here. Before it launches to the public in April, …

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Firefox OS, Tizen and Wi

As Mobile World Congress rumbles into its third day, the CNET team on the ground in Barcelona has been combing the show to make sure you don’t miss a single product or announcement. Here are the highlights from the last tech-packed 24 hours. Operating systems have been big news at the show this year, with Firefox showing of its new …

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Touchless touch screen gives you control without contact (video)

Now playing: Watch this: ‘Hovering’ touchscreen tech senses you from distance 1:18 BARCELONA, Spain–One of the more jaw-dropping tech demos on view at this year’s Mobile World Congress, new touch-screen technology from chipmaker STMicroelectronics lets you control your smartphone or tablet without actually touching the display. Using it, you can swipe, drag, and prod at your touch-screen device, replacing the …

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Analyst says a cheaper iPhone would make sense

We’ve heard talk of a cheaper iPhone for a while now, with Apple rumoured to break with tradition and launch a budget blower. Now an analyst has weighed in, saying she reckons a more affordable iPhone definitely makes sense, Mac Rumors reports. The reason? People want to pay less for an iPhone, but will still want a new model over …

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Sorry, LTE compatibility in the U.S. still years away

Unfortunately, AT&T’s iPhone 5 is only LTE at AT&T. CNET BARCELONA, Spain–Here’s the good news: the U.S. wireless industry is working to ensure that you’ll eventually be able to take your LTE-enabled phone from one carrier to another and get the same experience. The bad news: it likely won’t happen for a few years. That’s according to T-Mobile Chief Technology …

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