Will we rue the day we let HD DVD die?

As a tech journalist, I meet a lot of other tech journalists and obviously we talk constantly about technology and the TV show Lost. As you might imagine, Toshiba and HD DVD have been the topic of many recent conversations. What I’ve been able to glean is this: most of us geeks would have been …

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Paramount and Onkyo flee HD DVD ship

In a series of moves which won’t shock anybody, several of the companies which had pledged allegiance to HD DVD have now jumped ship into Sony’s waiting arms (life buoys?). Paramount Home Entertainment, which signed an exclusivity agreement in December for 18 months, issued a statement to the The Hollywood Reporter which simply said: “We are pleased that the industry …

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Archos TV+: Half PVR, half media streamer

By now, everyone understands that Apple TV is a disappointment. Not only is the original hardware not up to much, but the new firmware update is also delayed, and probably still won’t bring much of any real use to the UK. So we’re always keen to see what the competition is up to. In this case, the Archos TV+ is …

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HD DVD is dead. Really, they’ve checked its pulse this time

Psychic powers weren’t required to have seen this coming — although it was rather sooner than expected — but today Toshiba announced that it would no longer be supporting its own format, HD DVD. Blu-ray is officially triumphant and tech journalists worldwide now have one less thing to write about. Although the format war is over and we can all …

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Toshiba officially quits HD DVD

Toshiba has officially announced it is pulling out of HD DVD production leaving Sony’s Blu-ray the format war victor and ending weeks of speculation. In a statement on its Japanese website Toshiba says it has “decided it will no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders”. Toshiba said it will begin to reduce shipments of HD DVD …

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Toshiba to announce “war is over”

With an announcement from Toshiba imminent, the next-gen movie format war is almost at an end, with HD-DVD falling to its Sony-boosted rival, Blu-ray. According to Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei, Toshiba is expected to announce its immediate withdrawal from the HD DVD business in a press conference at 5PM Tuesday Tokyo time (7PM EST). Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida is expected …

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Has Blu

The war is over. Well, that’s the buzz from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where everyone’s talking about Warner Bros’ suspiciously timed decision to dump HD DVD and become a Blu-ray-only studio. The announcement came on Friday — two days before tech journos from all over the world rocked up to CES to hear Toshiba extol the virtues …

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Who decides if Blu

At the official launch of Blu-ray in Australia, proponents of the next-generation optical disc format tell CNET.com.au how much of a role consumers, movie studios, manufacturers and the porn industry play in the format war. Michelle Garra, chair of the Blu-ray Disc Working Group Australia and Michael Hoog from the Blu-ray Disc Association in the US share their favourite Blu-ray …

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Panasonic DMR

There’s got to be someone left with some VHS tapes. While most of the world has upgraded to DVD, there’s someone out there who is refusing to pay for another copy of Star Wars. If that’s you, then Panasonic has a product it thinks you might be interested in — if it can prise you away from your money. The …

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Panasonic plasma TVs: Now with added Wii

At its 2008 product showcase in Valencia, Panasonic revealed that every year, literally some people manage to hurl their Wii controllers at their expensive flat panel TVs. Anyone who reads gadget sites will have read these tales of woe and possibly even seen the photos. The good news is that Panasonic has created a Wii-proof TV. Well, it’s Wii-proof as …

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Seven finally joins Foxtel line

After years of resistance, the Seven Network today became the last Australian channel to allow its digital signal to be retransmitted on Foxtel. Foxtel CEO and MD Kim Williams and Seven Media Group CEO David Leckie signed the retransmission agreement, which allows Foxtel subscribers to watch Seven and gain access to the channel’s electronic programming guide (EPG). In a statement …

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Yamaha releases schmick hi

Yamaha is attempting to re-enter the field of hi-fi — a phrase the company itself created — with the release of three new flagship products: a high-end receiver, CD player and two-channel amplifier. The RX-Z11. Thirteen speakers not included. The Yamaha RX-Z11 is the company’s first flagship receiver in almost four years — after the Z9. OK, it’s not really …

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Foxtel to finally broadcast Ten, EPG

Following the recent announcement of a free digital EPG, Channel Ten has seemingly buried the hatchet with Foxtel and will allow its digital signal and EPG to be broadcast on the cable provider from September. Channel Ten digital and EPG will be broadcast on Foxtel in September. For the first time, Ten’s signal will be available to FOXTEL and Foxtel …

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Samsung DVD

The UK doesn’t have much HD television at the moment, which is mightily annoying, but the upside is that we don’t need high-capacity storage for recording TV shows. DVD is more than capable for the time being. Of course, in a few years, when everyone gets their act together and we’ve overthrown Ofcom and got rid of its ridiculous plans …

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JVC has previewed its product line-up for the coming year, and top of the list is a selection of LCD TVs that are — you guessed it — very thin. The top-end V series measure just 39mm at the narrowest point, and 74mm at the widest. The 42DV9 and 46DV9 won’t be around until later this year, but when they …

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