Apple makes Find My iPhone free, killing Mobile Me in the process

Apple has made the lost-phone-locating service, Find My iPhone, available for free. Has it killed the £60-per-year Mobile Me service in the process? Apple updated the software for its mobile devices this week with iOS 4.2. At the same time, it made Find My iPhone free to anyone with an iPhone 4, iPad or a 4th generation …

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Apple iPad vs HP TouchPad vs Motorola Xoom in three

There’s only one way to settle this tablet question: fiiiight! The HP TouchPad has arrived, and that’s all the excuse we need to hurl it into pitched battle with the reigning champeen, the Apple iPad, and the hotly anticipated Motorola Xoom. This is obviously only a comparison based on first impressions, as it’s still very early days for the TouchPad …

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iPhone 5 and iPad 2’s secret weapon could be Qualcomm’s Gobi chip

Could the iPhone 5 and iPad 2 let you mix and match operators according to your location, making them true world-roaming devices? That’s what we’re wondering after finding out that the new Verizon iPhone 4 includes Qualcomm’s MDM6600 Gobi chip. Why? Let us explain. Apple is famously unwilling to cough up too much information on which chips are inside its …

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iPhone 5 and iPad 2 may have NFC payment tech to compete with Android

The big feature of this year’s iPhone and iPad updates may be Near Field Communication payments, according to the Envisioneering Group, a US consultancy. Its director, Richard Doherty, assured Bloomberg he’d been chatting to engineers who are working on the project. One of the key uses for NFC is to pay for real-world goods and services by touching a device …

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Spotify Android app update due in weeks, folders to follow

Spotify’s Android app will overtake its iPhone equivalent in a matter of weeks. Crave caught up with the music-streaming service this morning to see what’s in the pipeline, and although its spokesman kept schtum on the long-anticipated US launch, we did learn that the next update to the Android app is on its way. Folders are also imminent for mobile …

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Samsung Wave 2 crashes ashore with 1GHz processor and Bada 1.2

The Samsung Wave 2 is crashing over the White Cliffs of Dover and into UK shops, available to buy today from O2 and Phones4u. The Wave 2 laps up after the Samsung Wave, a phone whose hardware we rather appreciated. The sequel was released over in Germany back in October, and is only now making its way to British pockets. …

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iPhone 4 redesigned antenna: What does the Verizon launch mean for Brits?

There’s now more than one network offering the Apple iPhone in the US. Verizon will sell the iPhone 4 from 3 February, breaking AT&T’s monopoly on the phone. And, when it does, the phone will be redesigned — specifically the controversial and much-maligned antenna. Not only that, it’ll be running the next update to the operating system, which means iOS …

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BBC iPlayer app for iPhone and iPad could finally be out next month

Been itching for a proper iPlayer app for your iPhone or iPad to catch up with your favourite BBC shows? It looks like your prayers could be answered by the end of February. The Beeb originally announced plans to create these apps nearly a year ago, although it took another six months to get the go-ahead from its BBC Trust. …

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Apple iPhone 5 and iPad 2 hints in iOS 4.3 update

The latest version of the iPhone and iPad mobile software has emerged, offering clues to the design of the next versions of Apple’s flagship devices. iOS 4.3 has been released to developers, and the beta version of the operating system suggests the iPad 2 and iPhone 5 — or whatever they end up being called — will be shorn of …

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Windows 8 on mobile phones? Don’t get your hopes up…

Windows Phone 7? Ancient news, old bean. It’s all about Windows 8 on mobiles now. What’s that? Windows 8 isn’t even out for desktop PCs yet? Tsk, mere details. The speculation that Microsoft could put its next-gen OS on phones stems from an unimpeachable source: Intel CEO Paul Otellini, speaking on the record during the company’s financial conference call yesterday. …

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iOS 4.3.1 on the way, dealing death and destruction to iPad 2 jailbreak

Pleased with the zippy performance of your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad on Apple’s new iOS 4.3 software? Join the club. But it seems a few minor gremlins crept into the software update, which may lead Apple to roll out iOS 4.3.1 within the next two weeks. Boy Genius Report claims to have the details, suggesting a timeframe of “one …

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iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom vs Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

This week the iPad 2 completed the line-up for the Great Tablet Clash of 2011 (movie rights pending). Almost every major tech manufacturer has a touchscreen device ready to go, and they’re set for a massive head-on collision when they go on sale in the next few months. We reckon the biggest three players are Apple, Motorola and Samsung, who …

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Apple launches iPhone and iPad app subscriptions, sparks controversy

Apple’s new subscription billing for iPhone and iPad apps allow developers and publishers to charge recurring subscriptions for magazine, newspaper, video and music apps. The system, launched yesterday, is already controversial, however, with music service Rhapsody saying Apple’s 30 per cent cut of subscription payments will make music services “economically untenable”. The subscription billing was used first by US news …

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iPhone nano rumours scotched, but cheaper iPhone may be coming

Alas, iPhone nano. We barely even knew you at all from online speculation, before you were cruelly snuffed out by… Well, by new online speculation. Still, it was fun while it lasted. A lengthy piece in the New York Times rubbishes reports of a smaller iPhone, suggesting instead that Apple is investigating ways to make a cheaper full-sized version by …

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