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iPad 2 ‘feels like the only tablet on the market’ say first reviews

The iPad 2 goes on sale in the US tomorrow, although us Brits will have to wait a couple of weeks to get our hands on the device. Still, we can ooze livid green jealousy from across the ocean, as the big guns of American tech journalism publish their reviews of Apple’s updated tablet. So what do the people who’ve …

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iPad 2 sharpens Infinity Blade graphics as Real Racing 2 HD hits the go pedal

The iPad 2 is going to be a monster device for gaming, thanks to its A5 processor which, according to Apple, is twice as fast for CPU performance and nine times more powerful for graphics. Games developers are already taking advantage, with Infinity Blade and Real Racing 2 HD muscling up for today’s US iPad 2 launch. Epic Games’ Chair …

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