HTC is reportedly working on a Chrome OS tablet, which will offer the iPad some much-needed competition before the end of the year. Before you get too excited, this information is based the words of an unnamed source who spoke to the AOL blog downloadsquad.
If the rumour is true, the tablet will be built in conjunction with Verizon and released on 26 November, aka ‘Black Friday’, the biggest shopping day of the year in the US (it’s the day after Thanksgiving).
downloadsquad reached into its box of specification speculation and came up with Nvidia’s Tegra 2 platform with a 1,280×720-pixel multitouch display, 2GB of RAM, minimum 32GB SSD, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 4G connectivity, plus GPS and a webcam.
We’ve already had confirmation of Android tablets from companies including Samsung, but this would be the first to use the Chrome OS, which is designed to work exclusively with Web apps.
It would be very brave of HTC to release a tablet working on an as-yet untested OS and which has previously been thought to be only just ready for netbooks.
HTC has a history of breaking new ground with Google software, of course. It was very quick off the blocks with Android smart phones, building and releasing what became the T-Mobile G1 in 2008.
Since then it has gone from strength to strength, with the huge success of Android devices such as the HTC Hero, Google Nexus One and HTC Desire.
HTC has a declared interest in tablets, but you would have thought this would be running Android. Other companies will be releasing Android tablets before the year is out, however, and a new device with the Chrome OS would certainly stand out from the crowd.
Earlier this year Google posted concept notes, images and video of a potential tablet running the Chrome OS — only a little while before Apple announced the iPad.
Image credit: downloadsquad