Sky knocks £100 off your first bill if you sign up this weekend

It’s a Christmas miracle: Sky is knocking a hundred quid off your first bill if you sign up over the weekend.

Sign up before 16 December — that’s Monday — and you’ll be credited with £100 on your first bill, which means you aren’t paying anything in January. Handy if you’ve overspent on presents and eggnog and you’re suffering from that longer wait for payday.

To qualify, you have to sign up to a Sky TV package, which cost between £21.50 and £62 per month. The small print is at

As long as you order by Monday you should get Sky installed before Christmas — just in time for back-to-back festive flicks on the Sky Movies Christmas channel, as well as the TV premiere of Iron Man 3, among other things.

Sky was revealed today as the pay-TV service with the least complaints made to Ofcom.

On the other hand, there’s increasingly less need to nail a dish on the side of your home in order to enjoy Sky movies and TV shows: movie rentals from the Sky Store are now available to anyone, while a crisp tenner buys you a Now TV box to turn your telly into a smart TV and watch Sky Sports and Sky Movies. You can even see Champions League goals on Twitter.

Is £100 cashback a good deal, or is Sky still too pricey? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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