Samsung Explore 3D streaming service is UK’s first

Samsung’s new 3D TV service allows UK viewers to stream free 3D content via the Smart Hub platform built-in to the latest Samsung TVs.

The electronics giant’s new app — Explore 3D — gives owners of Internet-connected 3D TVs access to a variety of on-demand content including films, music videos, documentaries and 10 IMAX films. First announced in April, Explore 3D is the first free 3D on-demand service in the UK.

Andy Griffiths, the company’s UK consumer electronics vice president, told the Daily Telegraph: “The demand for 3D is growing rapidly, but only a handful of channels are providing content. Samsung has led the 3D LED TV market since it launched last year, and the roll-out of our 3D video-on-demand service demonstrates our commitment to accelerating its growth.”

Griffiths added the initial offering would be expanded over the course of the year — hoping to have 70 free 3D videos available of 2011. For now, the service runs on these d-lightful 3D TVs: the D8000, D7000, D6500, D6100, D6900 and D5520.

Having signed a deal with broadcaster Five, Samsung Smart TV users will also be able to watch both Neighbours and Home and Away on an app specially designed for the channel. Bonzer!

“Five’s content will join that of other partners such as Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer, YouTube, Blinkbox,, PictureBox, Facebook and Twitter,” a spokesperson said.

Building on the currently limited array of 3D content, the Explore 3D app is part of the company’s strategy to attract developers to help “provide consumers with the best viewing experience possible”. At present, animation giant DreamWorks is the only company that has announced it will work with Samsung to offer tri-dee stuff.

Image credit: CNET Asia

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