1984 was a pretty amazing year for cinema. If you’ve got a favourite 80s film, there’s a good chance it was released this year. It was, for example, the year than Arnold Schwarzenegger came from the future to kill Linda Hamilton. Harrison Ford also made an appearance with a whip and a hat, with the intention of looking around a doom filled temple. But most crucially, it was also the year that New York’s most terrifying ghosts were banished by a team of freelance scientists.
Now, some 25 years later, we’re being given the chance to once again see Ghostbusters, one of the best movies of all time. This time though, it’s being shown in 1080p and comes on a little plastic disc. Frankly, we couldn’t be more excited about this movie arriving in HD on Blu-Ray – it’s one of those films that stands the test of time through fantastic casting, terrific props and a liberal dose of humour.
As you would expect, the Blu-ray features an entirely re-mastered version of the film, with 1080p video and high quality audio – although it’s not clear if it will be Dolby TrueHD or just regular Dolby Digital. We’ve also noticed that the brilliant music video isn’t listed as being on the disc. And that’s not the only bad news: there are also no marshmallows, proton packs or little ghost traps included either.
What you do get, to further entice you, are a number of all-new special features. The confusingly named ‘Slimer mode’ uses picture-in-picture video to explore the story of Ghostbusters and includes behind-the-scenes discussion about the movie. There are also new cast and crew interviews, which should be especially interesting given the personalities involved. There’s another feature on restoring the car – which should keep a whole generation of kids who wanted to own one happy.
There’s also additional content that has cropped up on previous Ghostbusters releases including the usual run of audio commentaries, mini-features and choice of languages and subtitles. Ghostbusters is rated PG and will be available on the 15th of June and has an RRP of £20. Frankly, we can’t wait.