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Prima Cinema will download and play box office movies on the day of theatrical release — all for just US$35,000.

The Prima Cinema box and fingerprint scanner.
(Screenshot by CNET Australia)

A home theatre cinema can be an expensive proposition, but Prima Cinema is taking that to a whole new level.

Prima Cinema is a rack mounted device that downloads movies that are currently in the public box office, playing them back over HDMI in your home cinema set-up at 1080p, 24fps — even in 3D.

The service only covers films that are in the theatres — no back catalogue — and is really all about the opening weekend flicks. Oh, and yes, it’s only available in the US.

It costs US$35,000 to have it installed and — here’s the bit we love — each showing will cost you US$500 a pop. Worried about the kids blowing a half a grand on the next Pixar flick without you knowing? No problems — Prima Cinema has biometric security. You’ll need to swipe your fingerprint to make it work.

Update: the unit price was corrected after an email from Prima Cinema.

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