Game of Thrones director has second take at piracy

Tywin Lannister is equally unimpressed with your piracy.
(Credit: HBO)

Suggesting that the media had taken some of his comments at the Perth Writers Festival “out of context”, Game of Thrones director clarified his early statement that he wasn’t worried by piracy.

“I am 100 per cent completely and utterly against people illegally downloading anything,” he said, according to AAP.

Apparently, Petrarca was merely commenting on how the downloads showed that Game of Thrones was in high demand, especially in areas where it wasn’t available or only shown well after the US airing dates.

He did say one thing that echoes the comments of many Australian’s: he hopes that in the near future, people will be able to legally purchase programs in a timely fashion, no matter where they are in the world.

“It is my hope that technology will find a way to take care of the piracy issue,” he said. “Nobody wins by illegally downloading content.”

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