A second Comcast customer says she was subjected to a nasty nickname

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that’s taken over our lives.

Mary Bauer says Comcast sent her a rude bill.
WGN-TV screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

Last week, Charlie Herrin, Comcast’s senior vice president of customer service, demanded his staff show respect.

Yesterday, 63-year-old Mary Bauer of Addison, Ill., said she got a Comcast bill with her name altered to “Super B**** Bauer.”

This comes just days after Comcast apologized to Washington customer Ricardo Brown for christening him on his bill: “A**hole Brown.”

In Bauer’s case, she told WGN-TV that she had been a perfectly happy Comcast customer until about a year and a half ago, when she upgraded her service and started having trouble with the signal.

She claims she has a nice personality. But I’m sure even the pope has his irritable days. Still, how would anyone be if, as she says, they had 39 technicians visit her home from November until April in an attempt to secure her a decent TV picture?

One of those technicians was finally able to set things right, but Bauer says she then didn’t receive a bill for a few months. She says she called and suggested it might be time for her to pay.

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“I was a little hot. I was angry,” she told WGN. But she swore that she hadn’t sworn. Then came yesterday’s bill, which Bauer didn’t bother opening, perhaps because of the nickname on the address line, visible through the window in the envelope.

I have contacted Comcast to ask whether it can confirm the details, and I will update, even if the company calls me names. Bauer, though, did show the still unopened bill — expletive included — to WGN’s cameras.

Comcast has managed to attract attention a little too often for its sometimes painful customer service.

The question is whether this publicity is disproportionate to the reality or whether too many of Comcast’s customer service staff are so disgruntled — or simply so poor at their jobs — that they will happily curse out their customers in writing and think nothing of it.

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