Scott Stein

Microsoft Tests Its HoloLens 2 AR Headset In Cars With Volkswagen

Walking around with future AR glasses on still remains an unsolved lifestyle and safety challenge. Microsoft, creator of the HoloLens 2 business-focused AR headset, are also setting their sights on AR in cars. A new partnership with Volkswagen, announced Thursday, aims to solve current problems with AR headsets when tracking movement on faster-moving vehicles. Standing …

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Why Password Managers Are Great Until You Lose Your Password

Editor’s note, May 4, 2022: This commentary originally ran in March 2020. We’re rerunning it today in honor of World Password Day. If you still aren’t using a password manager, CNET recommends Bitwarden. Original story follows. I did something really stupid with some of the most important data in my life two years ago. And I don’t know how I did it. …

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Between Glasses, Phone and Drone, Snap Aims to Blanket the World in AR

To most people, AR is still something quick and cool you can do for a few moments on your phone. To a company like Snap, which focuses on quick moments of social interaction, that’s been perfect. But Snap’s latest developer tools for augmented reality point to a world that will be a lot more persistently in virtual spaces. Will Snap …

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iMovie’s Latest Update Will Make Your Movie For You

I shoot a lot of video footage these days, but I don’t do a lot of video edits. Apple’s latest iMovie update for iOS seems to be speaking to me: iMovie 3.0 introduces new modes that promise to make the video editing process a lot more automatic. And, in one case, it’ll do everything for you. Will that make me …

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Meta Begins Monetizing Its Metaverse

Magic butterfly wings that give you the power of floating across your favorite meditative VR world? Those can be had, at a price. Meta’s starting to unlock monetization in its open-world metaverse VR app, Horizon Worlds, beginning with items you’ll be able to buy in individual worlds. But these items won’t be things you can take with you to other worlds… at …

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Smart Contact Lenses: You Can Control a MicroLED Display With a Flick of Your Eyes

A series of pop-up directional markers appear, in tiny green lines across my vision. As I turn, I can see which direction north is. These are markers on a compass, projected on a little MicroLED display, perched on a contact lens, held in front of my eye on a stick. After years of trying on smart glasses, my return to …

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Apple’s Magic Keyboard for iPad: Still Excellent, but Time for a Revision

I’m typing, right now, on a 12-inch iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard, alternating with the iPad Air and the same keyboard, but smaller. I’ve done this, off and on, for a while. Sometimes I forget I’m on an iPad at all. You can indeed make an iPad feel very laptop-like, and there are several keyboard case accessories that get …

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Apple’s Center Stage Camera Is Finally on All iPads, but It’s in the Wrong Place

Center Stage, Apple’s digitally zooming camera feature introduced on iPads last year, is on the move in 2022. The feature is on all iPads now after the latest iPad Air update, and has made the leap to Macs (sort of) on Apple’s new Studio Display. But one thing that the Studio Display gets right with Center Stage: The camera’s in …

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Universal Control From Apple Deepens the iOS

I’ve wanted iPads and Macs to fuse for years. They’re still separate in 2022. But a common thread runs through both: Literally, it’s the cursor that jumps between my iPad and MacBook on my desk right now. Apple’s Universal Control, a much-anticipated feature that’s live as a beta in iPadOS 15.4 and MacOS 12.3, is uncanny at times, invisible at …

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iPad Air 2022 Review: M1 Is a Very, Very Nice Addition

Mar 2022 I’m surrounded by iPads. My family uses them all the time. Personally, I alternate between iPad and laptop. So it has been, so it shall be. I’ve wanted the iPad to be a Mac tablet for years. The iPad has crept incrementally closer with keyboard and trackpad support and with now the same M1 processor as the MacBook Air, but …

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