Sanjay Dutta

Tesla's BlackHole Machines Will Clean Up The Mountains Of Trash From Ladakh

Ladakh, often called the roof of the world because of its high altitude and windswept plateaus, is getting a ‘BlackHOLE’ to swallow the mountains of trash rising in step with a surge in tourist arrivals. The innovative waste disposal technology from the Tesla stable will form the backbone of a waste disposal system being rolled …

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Electric Cars Selling Like Hot Cakes In China, India Lags Because Of No Clear Govt. Policy

India may be touted as the next big market for electric vehicles (EV) but they will find the going tough for the next decade in the world’s third-largest oil-guzzling economy due to dominance of affordable cars and absence of meaningful policy drive for new energy mobility. According to a report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), EVs will make up …

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As Expected, Fuel Prices Shoot Up After Trump Cancels Iran Nuclear Deal

US President Donald Trump’s decision on Tuesday to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal can increase pressure on government finances through a higher subsidy bill and pinch consumers by keeping oil on the boil ahead of next year’s general election. A day after Trump’s decision, global benchmark Brent crude hit its highest since November 2014 at $77 a barrel …

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