Rick Broida

Atari classic Pitfall reborn for iOS

At the risk of dating myself, I’m old enough to remember Pitfall, the iconic 1982 Atari game of running, jumping, and swinging. Old enough, in fact, to have owned an Atari 2600 and a Pitfall cartridge. Perhaps it was inevitable that the game would get a modern makeover, and so today brings us Activision’s Pitfall …

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Free Aesop for Children app brings classic fables to smartphones, tablets

Your tax dollars at work. How better to describe Aesop for Children, a new iOS app (update: it’s also available for Android, though not through Google Play) offered free by the Library of Congress? I’m sure there’s a debate to be had on whether the government should be in the app-development business, especially when there are competing commercial apps like …

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iCircle iPad case pairs protection with a pop

What’s flat, black, circular, and holds your iPad? No, not some weirdly molded LP record. The answer is Rolling Ave.’s iCircle, one of the more stylish and versatile iPad cases I’ve come across. (Quick note: The vendor’s Web site isn’t quite finished yet, so you may notice some placeholder text. But you can order the iCircle directly from Amazon if …

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Cellhelmet iPhone case comes with an extended iPhone warranty

Every iPhone owner should have two things: a protective case, and a warranty that covers accidental damage. You know, the kind inflicted by toddlers, car tires, and sudden bursts of gravity. Don’t believe me? A post I wrote two years ago — “Shatter your iPhone 4 screen? Here’s how to fix it” — has been viewed more than any other …

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FreedomPop cradle brings free 4G to iPod Touch

Many iPod Touch owners harbor a secret dream of using their devices as iPhones, bypassing long-term contracts and pricey service agreements in favor of cheap/free calls via Vonage, Skype, and other voice-over-IP apps. Just one problem: Wi-Fi ain’t everywhere. Without it, iPods can’t make calls, stream media, play online games, or do any of that other good stuff. One possible …

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iPhone 5 leak? New pictures emerge

About a year ago at this time, iPhone 5 rumors and leaked photos were flying fast and furious. In fact, it was in early August 2011, that I speculated, “Is this what the iPhone 5 looks like? MacRumors says yes.” Of course, the answer turned out to be “no.” Could we be looking at a similar disappointment this fall? Perhaps, …

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Stabilize your smartphone moviemaking with iStabilizer Dolly and Glidepro

With decent lighting and a modern smartphone, you can shoot some pretty impressive movies. Take “Olive,” a feature-length film shot entirely on a Nokia N8. And Chan-wook Park shot a 30-minute movie, “Paranmanjang,” using only an iPhone. Of course, there’s only so much you can accomplish holding your phone in those shaky hands of yours. If you want rock-steady images, …

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Broken iPod Touch: Repair or replace?

Ouch. Is there a worse feeling than seeing your iPod Touch smack the ground and hearing the unmistakable crack of glass? Just one: picking up the iPod and realizing the screen is shattered top-to-bottom. That was one expensive attack of gravity. This happened to my daughter not long ago, resulting in a fourth-gen iPod Touch that, remarkably, still worked, but …

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Touchfire overlay adds tactile feedback to your iPad keyboard

Hoping to use your iPad in place of your laptop? The stumbling block has always been the keyboard: onscreen keys lack the tactile feedback afforded by the real thing, and therefore tend to trip up touch-typists (who are now woefully mislabeled). Of course, there are any number of keyboard cases and add-ons, but those add bulk and weight to your …

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Indie Gala Mobile 2 bundles more good games for good causes

Need some new games to while away your flight, train ride, car trip, or time in line at the post office with? In terms of bang for the buck, it’s hard to beat a bundle. Like this one: the Indie Gala Mobile 2 bundle lets you set your own price for three (or more) popular Android games — and support …

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