Richard Trenholm

Sharp HT

Home cinema types, pin back your lugholes for some new sound-related kit from Sharp. We give you the 3.1-channel surround sound HT-SB400 sound bar and 2.1 channel DK-AP8P iPod dock. The DK-AP8P iPod dock, pictured above, includes a touch-control panel that actually comes off, doubling as a remote control. What a clever idea. We’ve broken …

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Apple names the date: The Tablet cometh?

You! Stop what you are doing. Put away any sharp objects and sit down. Steve Jobs has a proclamation to make, and it may well be tablet-shaped. Apple has issued an invitation to US press for a press launch on 27 January. It takes place at 6pm GMT — that’s 10am Pacific Time, at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for …

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Google Nexus One: The Google phone cometh?

The Web was awash with Google phone rumours this weekend, as Google employees began showing off their new test phones via Twitter. Rumours suggest the Google-branded Nexus One will be available unlocked and could be launched by early 2010. Our US colleague Jason Howell had a quick play with the Nexus One on Friday, complete with Android 2.1 operating system. …

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Synaptics Fuse: Hands

The Synaptics Fuse concept phone was unveiled in December, when we promised you a hands-on with the handset at CES 2010. True to our word, we tracked it down and tried it out. Frustratingly for such a cool product, there isn’t much to report, because the handset didn’t include an operating system. It’s a proof of concept showing off interface …

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Synaptics Fuse: Multi

If you thought tilting and swiping your iPhone was the future, just take a look at the Synaptics Fuse. It’s a concept phone that points to how we’ll be fingering, tilting and even squeezing our phones in 2010 and beyond. We’re lighting the fuse on this innovative concept and standing well back. Touchscreen and trackpad manufacturer Synaptics has headed up …

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Motorola Backflip: Hands

Flippin’ ‘eck, as Winston Churchill once said. Here at CES, we’ve got our hands on the Motorola Backflip, an acrobatic, inside-out Android phone. But does it have us doing cartwheels or is it more bad flop than Backflip? The Backflip is a mutant version of the Motorola Dext, turned inside out and every which way. It packs a 528MHz Qualcomm …

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Panasonic launches 3D camcorder, television, Blu

3D television is the future. We know it’s the future because at every CES we’ve ever been to, manufacturers bang on about it like it’s the cure for cancer. This year Panasonic has turned the hyperbole into reality with its first 3D high-definition Viera television, 3D Blu-ray player and 3D video camera, as well as offering the first 3D TV …

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PlayStation 3 to support 3D Blu

It may be the technology nobody asked for, but 3D home cinema continues to gather pace, with the news that the specification for 3D Blu-ray has been finalised. Not only will 3D Blu-ray discs be backwards-compatible, they’ll even turn your existing Sony PlayStation 3 into a PlayStation 3D. 3D Blu-ray will display full high-definition 1080p video to each eye, encoded …

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Acer Liquid: First widescreen Snapdragon Android phone

The Acer Liquid is the first Android smart phone to use the high-speed Qualcomm Snapdragon chip, which breathes fire into netbooks. Announced today, the phone will come with Android 1.6 Donut built-in. Acer claims the Liquid’s capacitive touchscreen is both high definition and wide-VGA, which doesn’t sound right to us. Wide-VGA is more like extended definition, as it’s wider than …

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O2 and TeliaSonera go 4G in Scandinavia

If your 3G mobile phone just ain’t fast enough for you, then cheer up, cheekychops: the first 4G network available to customers has been launched in Scandinavia, while tests take place in the UK. TeliaSonera is offering 4G in Sweden and Norway, with O2 testing the technology in Slough. Yes, Slough. The lucky 4G recipients are Stockholm in Sweden, and …

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