Sometimes developers of religious apps take the edict to be “fishers of men” too far, and sometimes the faithful put their faith in the wrong apps. As public focus on the security of apps on the Google Play Store intensifies following years of data leaks, adware infections, security scandals and malware contagions, little coverage has been devoted to one of …
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Bose puts Sleepbuds to bed after battery complaints
Bose is discontinuing its noise-masking Sleepbuds following customer complaints that the items failed to charge fully and that they unexpectedly powered down. The decision to stop offering the $249 wireless earbuds was disclosed Thursday in an email to customers. “Based on what we knew, we believed that software and firmware updates could fix the issues. But the failures have continued, …
Read More »UPS lands broad FAA approval for drone deliveries
UPS said Tuesday that it’s expanding its drone delivery service after it received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to operate a drone airline. UPS subsidiary Flight Forward was awarded a Part 135 Standard certification on Friday, which the company called an aviation first. UPS’ first approved flight, operated under its Flight Forward subsidiary, was launched at the WakeMed hospital …
Read More »iPadOS: 5 best new security and privacy features for your iPad
With Tuesday’s release of Apple’s iPadOS — a dedicated operating system for the iPad, offering the tablets a suite of new features — Apple not only helps position the iPad as a laptop competitor, but ups the ante on data security during a time of escalating mobile malware threats. The new operating system, first announced at the company’s Worldwide Developers …
Read More »Travel app TripIt now offers Neighborhood Safety Scores
Popular travel-planning app TripIt unveiled new features Thursday aimed at helping women and LGBTQ travelers navigate neighborhoods safely. The app’s new Neighborhood Safety Scores include the following categories: physical harm, women’s safety, health and medical, political freedoms, theft and LGBTQ safety. The app also displays a separate day and night safety rating for each neighborhood. “The last thing you want …
Read More »An orange Pixel 4, confirmed
Rumors of an orange Pixel 4 were confirmed Tuesday when Google took out a massive billboard ad in Times Square to promote the phone’s Oct. 15 release. Captured by a Reddit user, the photo is the latest in an ongoing stream of leaks about the new phone’s hardware. But it’s still unclear whether the color will be available for both …
Read More »Google is now prioritizing ‘original reporting’
Google has tweaked its search engine to make sure users searching for news are served more varieties across news for a longer amount of time. The updates will “elevate original reporting,” a Google executive said in a Thursday blog post. The search giant wants to “provide people with a deeper understanding of their changing communities and the conversations going on …
Read More »iPhone XR shipments topped all other phones in the first half of 2019, report says
Smartphone prices have been creeping up over $1,000 in recent years, but it was Apple’s less expensive iPhone XR that topped all other smartphones in shipments in the first half of 2019, says IHS Market. The iPhone XR shipped nearly 30 million units in the first half of 2019, according to a Thursday report from the market analysts. At $749, the …
Read More »Phone pricing surge pushes upgrade cycle to three years, researchers say
The rising costs of phones and carrier plans mean people are now waiting almost three years to upgrade to the next new smartphone, and younger people are staying on family plans longer. Or at least that’s what two consumer surveys indicated Thursday. Research from Strategy Analytics found that more people are keeping their smartphones longer, while researchers at Let’s Talk …
Read More »5G global revenues to double by 2020, report says
IT research firm Gartner released a forecast Thursday projecting revenues from worldwide 5G network infrastructure will reach $4.2 billion by 2020. That would amount to an 89% revenue hike from the firm’s 2019 projections of $2.2 billion. The firm expects overall 4G revenues to dip from $19.32 billion in 2019 to $18.28 billion in 2020, with similar drops in 3G …
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