Rachel King

Oracle v. Google jury returns partial verdict, favoring Oracle

SAN FRANCISCO — The  jury in the Oracle v. Google trial rendered a partial verdict, favoring Oracle, in the copyright phase of the trial. Yet a question the jury failed to decide prompted Google to call for a mistrial, and could sharply limit damages even if the verdict stands. The five male and seven female …

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Oracle rebuffs Google settlement offer

After a magistrate court judge tried to bring Oracle and Google back to the negotiation table again to work out a potential settlement for their ongoing legal battle, it almost looked like there could have been a deal on Wednesday. Nevertheless, that April 16 trial start date at the U.S District Court of Northern California is looking more and more …

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LightSquared CEO resigns, casting shadow on 4G plans

LightSquared CEO Sanjiv Ahuja has stepped down as the company’s chief executive officer. The decision, announced this morning, does not shed much light as to exactly why Ahuja resigned, but reports have already circulating suggesting it has to do something with the Federal Communication Commission’s move to block the launch of its 4G network. In November, Ahuja spoke at the …

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Age, income dial up smartphone ownership rates

Based on age alone, it would not be news that younger consumers are much more likely to own a smartphone than older consumers. But when you throw income into the equation, it becomes a completely different story. To start off, overall smartphone penetration stood around 48 percent domestically by the end of January, according to a new report from Nielsen …

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Android nabbing more than half of new smartphone buyers

Apple was named the best-selling U.S. handset brand during the fourth quarter, according to a new report from the NPD Group. However, the findings suggest that while iOS has won this battle, Android is really winning the war. Take a look at the graph below: The NPD Group Not only do 48 percent of all smartphone buyers own Android smartphones …

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Android Market: 10 billion downloads and counting

Let’s face it. At the moment, there are only two major online app stores to speak of: Google’s Android Market and Apple iTunes. Sure, Amazon has an app store as does Barnes & Noble, among others, but these are still primarily feeders for the Android brand as a whole. Based on the latest figures out of the Android Market, it …

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VMware fits work phone into personal phone

If you’re sick of having to carry around two smartphones, one for work and one for your personal life, there are options coming that will save you grief and the need to carry multiple devices everywhere. One such product is the VMware Horizon Mobile solution. Basically, this platform enables a user to run a “phone-in-a-phone,” meaning both work and personal …

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AT&T antitrust case gets February trial date

Those last-ditch efforts that AT&T reportedly attempted in order to save its proposed bid for T-Mobile don’t look to have paid off. U.S. District Judge Ellen Huvelle has assigned a February 13 start date for a nonjury trial to decide whether AT&T’s proposed merger with T-Mobile, which would make AT&T the largest nationwide carrier, would violate antitrust laws. The Department …

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House Democrats rally for AT&T, T

As if the White House doesn’t have enough things to deal with at the moment, a collective of 15 House Democrats are now putting pressure on the president to deal with the AT&T and T-Mobile merger. Led by U.S. Representative Heath Shuler (D-N.C.), the group is asking President Obama to direct the Justice Department to settle the government’s lawsuit that …

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Over a quarter of U.S. adults use location

Foursquare and similar location-based check-in apps might sound silly to some, but they’re gaining in popularity nonetheless. A new survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project has found that at least 28 percent of U.S. adults have found a liking for mobile and social location-based services. Kathryn Zickuhr, a Pew Internet Project research specialist and co-author of the …

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