
Napster sidesteps credit cards

Online music retailer Napster unveiled prepaid cards on Monday, so people–particularly teens–could download songs without using credit cards. The $14.85 card, which will offer 15 downloads, is set to go on sale in mid-November at 14,000 retail outlets. It looks like a credit card and has a scratch-off surface concealing a personal identification number to …

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Commentary: Facing the music

Commentary: Facing the music By Forrester Research Special to CNET News.com October 20, 2003, 12:05PM PT By Josh Bernoff, Principal Analyst Apple Computer’s Windows music store leads its rivals in ease of use and distribution. Together with Musicmatch and Napster, it will catapult legitimate music downloads into the mainstream. Apple last week announced the Windows version of iTunes, which is …

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Samsung tunes in Napster with new gizmo

Capitalizing on the re-aunch of Napster on Thursday, Samsung has announced a new digital audio player that can store up to 5,000 songs on its 20GB hard drive. The company said the co-branded YP-910GS is the only player that’s designed to operate with the Napster 2.0 service. Subscribers will be able to access more than 500,000 songs from all five …

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Are swappers scared of the RIAA?

The recording industry’s legal efforts may be putting a dent in file swapping, according to a new report from The NPD Group. The report, released Thursday, said online file swapping started dropping in May, shortly after the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) publicly hinted that it may go after individual file swappers. The number of households acquiring music fell …

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