
More HDTV on offer from Sky

Hooray — there’s going to be more high-definition stuff on Sky! Now that Warner Bros is on board, it has deals in place with all the major Hollywood studios, so we’ll be getting films like V for Vendetta and Syriana, among others. Sky has also announced its latest stats showing that 244,000 people have signed …

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Samsung LE32R87: Stylish, shiny, curvaceous and compact

Crave is a fan of curves. Curves are aesthetic and useful at the same time. Curves are what make motor racing entertaining — where would ickle Lewis Hamilton be without wheels, corners and those girls who hold the umbrellas? Yes, we’re big fans. So it was with much excitement that we noticed how wonderfully curvy the new Samsung LE32R87 is. …

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The P2P mistake at Ohio University

Ohio University recently informed students that the use of peer-to-peer technology has been banned from the campus computer network. The reasons cited range from network congestion to malicious software to piracy. While the university acknowledges that there are legitimate uses of P2P technologies, the blanket ban on the technology stands. By instituting this ban, Ohio University has demonstrated a serious …

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The battle over The Beatles

The Beatles burst onto the international music scene more than four decades ago. But while these boys from Liverpool sang that all you need is love, the battle over the money they generated continued well into the 21st century. A reported recent settlement indicates that the parties have come together. While confidential, the terms must be financially mutually acceptable. (Perhaps …

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Where did the music industry go so wrong?

Wasn’t it all so gloriously simple back when people listened to top 40 radio and obediently paid $20 for discs at record store chains? Labels set the deal terms for artists. Managers handled the “biz.” The touring circuits were maintained by well-mannered warlords that politely divvied up the venues. And everyone had their place in the pond. So where did …

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A size zero model that everyone will love

You know that LCD on your wall? Let me tell you something: it’s fat. Huge in fact. And it’s ugly. What on earth have you been feeding it? Pies? That’s the wording I propose JVC uses in the advert for its ultra-thin LCD that was demoed in Athens last week. This prototype was really, really skinny. JVC wouldn’t let us …

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Miglia TVMax: Make your Mac Mini into a PVR

Crave loves gadgets that plays nicely with the other kit we adore, and the TVMax sits so perfectly under a Mac Mini you could forget it was even there. Apart from looking cute, it enables you to record analogue TV via an aerial or from your cable box. You can give it your cable feed for up to 125 channels, …

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Sony LocationFree: TV on your PSP

Sony had a hugely impressive stand at CES, although the live music cramped our ability to film some of the new products. Sony innovated with the PlayStation Portable last year, and it’s now pushing that device with another new concept to get travellers excited. The company’s new LocationFree package is already available in the US, allowing you to send media around the world from your home. …

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The Slingbox: UK inbound

Our American counterparts have been raving about this little gizmo for ages. The Slingbox is a clever gadget that turns your home TV signal into an Internet stream that you can access from any networked PC — so you can watched recorded programming or live TV on your laptop from your hotel. Luckily, we in the UK won’t have to feel like complete technological …

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Toshiba’s HD

As the HD DVD versus Blu-ray format debacle bumbles along, our sister reviews site in the US, CNET.com, has an initial review of Toshiba’s first HD DVD player, the Toshiba HD-A1. The bottom line? It produces stunning high-definition images, but has a series of compromises that may deter all but the most hardcore of home-cinema fanatics. According to the review, …

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