Nick Statt

Zuckerberg: ‘Move fast and break things’ isn’t how Facebook operates anymore

James Martin/CNET SAN FRANCISCO — If you were to visit Facebook’s sprawling Menlo Park, Calif., campus as recently as last year, you’d see its famous company motto — “Move fast and break things” — plastered on the walls. It was a celebration of the hacker mindset and a reminder that the kids — the college …

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Yahoo announces first two original TV series

Richard Nieva/CNET Yahoo has announced the first two shows in its line of original TV series that will come to Yahoo Screen, Roku, and Apple TV next year. Both will be 30-minute long comedies spanning eight episodes each. The first is “Other Space” and will be headed up by Paul Feig, creator of “Freaks and Geeks” and an Emmy-nominated director …

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Nike CEO confirms FuelBand focus now on software, not hardware

Nike CEO Mike Parker Getty Images Nike CEO Mark Parker said Friday that the division inside the sportswear company responsible for developing its FuelBand wearable fitness tracker would be shifting its focus to software, confirming CNET’s earlier report that the company was getting out of the hardware race. Related Stories Exclusive: Nike fires majority of FuelBand team, will stop making …

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Exclusive: Nike FuelBand engineers courted by Nest, Oculus, Intel, and Microsoft

Sarah Tew/CNET Nike engineers and other hardware and manufacturing experts from the company’s FuelBand team are at the top of the recruitment list for high-profile tech firms racing to deliver new products in emerging categories like wearable technology. Related Stories Exclusive: Nike fires majority of FuelBand team, will stop making wearable hardware Nike CEO confirms FuelBand focus now on software, …

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Google Glass is up for sale, again

Screenshot by Nick Statt/CNET Just one week after its one-day Glass sale, Google has opened up the shopping page for its head-worn wearable once more, it seems. No announcement accompanied this second offering, and it is unclear whether or not it will last only 24 hours like the sale that occurred last week on April 15. Either way, head over …

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Fitbit’s wearable lead stays strong despite Force recall

Sarah Tew/CNET Despite the recall of Fitbit’s Force fitness tracker in February, the device maker is still out front — and its lead among wearable fitness trackers is growing, not shrinking. “According to the latest NPD Group Retail Tracking Service report, Fitbit’s market share is higher than it was before the launch of Force,” Fitbit said in a statement given …

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Nike FuelBand’s wearable lesson not so clear

Sarah Tew/CNET When the news hit this month that Nike is winding down its FuelBand efforts, there were bold claims that the nascent wearable tech market, it would seem, was suddenly in big trouble. The more nuanced consensus is that current activity trackers are at worst a fad, turning glorified pedometers into flashy app platforms that don’t really change our …

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With FuelBand exit, Nike signals the limits of tech’s appeal

Sarah Tew/CNET For most of the last decade, Nike has juggled two distinct narratives. On the one hand, it’s still a traditional sportswear corporation that now makes more than $25 billion a year thanks to its in-demand shoes and apparel. On the other, Nike had become an Apple-emulating trailblazer in the uncertain but hopeful market for wearable technology with its …

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Exclusive: Nike fires majority of FuelBand team, will stop making wearable hardware

Sarah Tew/CNET Nike is gearing up to shutter its wearable-hardware efforts, and the sportswear company this week fired the majority of the team responsible for the development of its FuelBand fitness tracker, a person familiar with the matter told CNET. “As a fast-paced, global business we continually align resources with business priorities,” Nike spokesman Brian Strong said in an email. …

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Google updates Glass to Android KitKat, kills video calls before one

CNET While Google’s Glass wearable is still proving a polarizing frontier in personal computing — making headlines this past weekend when a reporter had it ripped off his face and smashed on the ground — the company is quietly chipping away at its long list of features it would like to pack into the face-worn headset ahead of a eventual …

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