Natasha Lomas

Apple coveted Sony’s style for original iPhone

Apple has accused Samsung of “slavishly” copying its designs, but documents submitted to a US court in the ongoing legal wranglings between the pair suggest Apple may have also looked elsewhere for its smart phone design inspiration. And the company reportedly inspiring Cupertino — at least in part — is Sony, Martyn Williams of the …

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Want a YouView box for free? Talk to TalkTalk

If your over-excitement at the prospect of getting your hands on a YouView set-top box turned to swift outrage at the thought of being relieved of £300 for a tardy prism you’ll be delighted to learn there is another way. Landline and broadband purveyor TalkTalk — one of YouView’s backers — is offering the box for free, provided you sign …

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Like bayonets, Wi

Going to the Olympics? Not if you’re wearing a comically oversized hat you’re not. And don’t expect to take your pet iguana in with you — even if it does look a bit like Mandeville. LOCOG, the Games’ organising body, has published a list of prohibited and restricted items that Games-goers should absolutely avoid taking to venues — unless you …

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GiffGaff outage: Too expensive to prevent it, says CEO

GiffGaff’s mobile network fell over last week, downed by a water pipe that burst and bathed its supplier’s kit in the wet stuff. Forget snakes on a plane — water pipes in a data centre are far more terrifying. The outage began at 10.10am and lasted until just after 6pm — affecting calls, texts, data and even GG’s ability to …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 review updated after long

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is undoubtedly the biggest Android blower of the year — it’s big in dimensions, power and price tag. It’s very big in the popularity stakes too — more popular than even Samsung had banked on. Earlier this week, the South Korean giant revealed it’s shifted a whopping 10 million S3 smart phones since the quad-core Ice …

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iPhone 5 gets nano

Now playing: Watch this: Phone News: iPhone 5 to get nano-SIM 4:03 It’s Tuesday which can only mean one thing: it’s Phone News day! Except of course on days when we put the show out on Thursdays — but hey, here at CNET UK Towers we’re as flexible as an unskinned Android. So what regurgitated titbits of phone and tablet …

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Android 4.1 Jelly Bean release date, features and more

Now playing: Watch this: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean hands-on 2:26 Today, it’s a very rare Android owner graced with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). Most mobile Droids are still chowing down on the Gingerbread flavour of Google’s mobile software. But come next month ICS will be old news too — as Google has confirmed the next iteration of …

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Windows Phone 8 sucker punches Windows Phone fans

Yesterday Microsoft showed Windows Phone fans what to expect when the next iteration of its mobile operating system lands this autumn — and simultaneously sucker-punched its most loyal fans by confirming existing Windows Phones won’t be getting an update to Windows Phone 8. Let me make that point really clear: if you just shelled out for a Windows Phone you …

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Swype is growing up and it wants to get to know you better. Many Android fans will already be familiar with the nifty Swype keyboard — which lets you drag your finger over letters to form words, rather than hen pecking each individual letter. Swype comes preloaded on around 200 million phones now — scores of Android phones and some …

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Galaxy Note 2 and Microsoft’s Surface in Phone News video

Now playing: Watch this: Phone News: Microsoft Surface unveiled 3:34 Here at Phone News we’re all about being inclusive — so when Microsoft announced it was planning on getting into the tablet-making business we sat up and took note. Sure, tablets aren’t phones but they’re more than gadgety enough to get our juices flowing. If you missed this week’s massive …

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