Michelle Meyers

Some Twitter users take offense to Declaration of Independence

Parades, fireworks, hot dogs … and NPR’s recitation of the Declaration of Independence. For some, these are long-held annual Fourth of July traditions. But the latter, which this year was expanded by National Public Radio to include the posting of the country’s founding document on Twitter, was not seen at least by some as particularly …

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You really might unlock your next iPhone with your face

Touch ID is so passé. Soon you could be unlocking your phone and paying for things with just your mug. Bloomberg on Monday reported that Apple is testing out an improved security system for its next iPhone — powered by a 3D sensor — that allows users to log in, authenticate payments and launch secure apps by scanning their face. …

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Netflix limits number of times you can download some content

Life got easier for on-the-go Netflix customers late last year when the streaming giant added support for downloading content so you can watch films and shows without an internet connection. But there’s a newly noticed catch for those of us now spoiled by the convenience. Android Police reported on Tuesday that some content can only be downloaded a specific number of times …

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​DJI: Register your drone on our site, or we’ll throttle it

Last week we learned that the FAA’s drone registration system for hobbyists may not be legal. But Chinese drone maker DJI is making sure you register anyway. The drone market leader on Monday said it’s introducing a new online “application activation process” for international users that takes effect at the end of next week. The system ensures “you will use …

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Android inches ahead of Windows as most popular OS

Somehow we thought this had already happened, but it appears Google’s Android has just overtaken Windows as the internet’s most popular operating system. That’s according to web analytics firm StatCounter, which on Monday released statistics marking the “milestone in technology history and end of an era” with Microsoft no longer owning the dominant OS when you look at internet usage …

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​FCC nixes terms of Charter merger that forced competition

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday reversed a major condition of last year’s $65 billion merger between Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks that would have required the new company to compete against ISPs in certain markets. It’s just the latest move by President Donald Trump’s FCC to reverse Obama-era regulations. The former condition required Charter, which …

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Now you can search Snapchat Stories

Want to know what your fellow Snapchatters are doing for spring break? Now you can just search on that or any term instead of relying on Snap’s curation team to hand-pick Stories for you. Snap, the company behind the popular mobile messaging app, announced the new search tool in a blog post Friday, saying it was rolling out at first …

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​Facebook bans use of its data for surveillance tools

Heavily nudged by the ACLU, Facebook on Monday said it has updated its policies to explicitly ban developers from using its data for surveillance tools. “Today we are adding language to our Facebook and Instagram platform policies to more clearly explain that developers cannot ‘use data obtained from us to provide tools that are used for surveillance,'” Rob Sherman, Facebook’s …

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​How Android is helping keep a Pakistani language alive

You’ve likely never heard of Torwali, one of 27 highly-endangered Pakistani languages. But now its roughly 80,000 speakers can use their native language to text and make status updates on their Android phones. Zubair Torwali, who heads up an organization that works to promote northern Pakistan’s languages, explained in Google’s Asia blog Friday how a Google engineer helped his group …

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​Pinterest’s Lens tool rolls out to all US users

You have no idea where that woman sitting at the table next to you got her awesome red boots. You just know you have to have them. Well, if you snapped a photo, a new Pinterest tool now available to all US users might just make your boot hunt a little more successful. San Francisco-based Pinterest, a digital scrapbooking site …

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