Matt Elliott

Play music from your iTunes library without opening iTunes

My iTunes library sits untouched for long stretches of time. Part of the reason is I primarily use streaming services to listen to music these days, but part of the reason is iTunes itself. I just don’t like using the once-great, now-bloated application. If you have a particular song buried in your iTunes library that …

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How to lower the volume of your Mac’s startup chime

If you use a set of external speakers with your Mac, you may notice that the chime you hear as your Mac starts up comes not from the external speakers but from your Mac’s internal speakers. If you’d like to adjust the volume of this startup chime — or mute it altogether (not recommended) — there is way to make …

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How to delete a photo or video from the iOS Messages app

My brother and I often text about the shared misery we experience as Cleveland Browns fans. I recently received a Billy Manziel shirt as a joke gift from a friend (who, I should point out, is a long-tortured fan of the Buffalo Bills) and texted a picture of me wearing it to my brother. Now that Johnny Manziel’s exploits have …

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Apple Music: Like button vs. add button

When listening to a particularly enjoyable song on Apple Music, two buttons vie for your attention: the heart and the plus sign. Should you tap the heart to like the song, or should you tap the “+” to add it somewhere? And while we’re on the topic, what’s the story with the star button that shows up in place of …

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How to create a movie trailer project with iMovie for iOS

There are two types of projects you can create with iMovie on your iPhone: Movie and Trailer. The Movie template is by far the more flexible of the two, letting you adjust the length of each clip in your movie and, thus, the length of your movie. The Trailer template is much more rigid, with an outline that features fixed …

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Complete guide to iMovie for iOS

iMovie for iOS lets you become a mobile movie maker. With the mobile app, you can skip the process of transferring video to your Mac and get started right on your iPhone, where your videos reside. In many ways, the stripped-down mobile version of iMovie is easier to use than the Mac app. Read our guide to iMovie for iOS …

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How to share your iMovie for iOS video

After you have created a Movie or slapped together a Trailer with iMovie on your iPhone, it’s time to share your cinematic masterpiece with the world. Or at least with friends and family. iMovie for iOS offers a variety of sharing options. From the Projects view in iMovie, tap on the project you want to share and tap the share …

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How to add photos in iMovie for iOS

iMovie for iOS makes it easy to add photos to your movie project, complete with the Ken Burns effects of slowly panning across and zooming in and out of photos. To add a photo to your project, tap the Media Library button that you used to add video clips to your timeline — it features a little film strip and …

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How to add a soundtrack and adjust audio in iMovie for iOS

After you have started an iMovie project on your iPhone and perhaps added a title sequence and video effects, it’s time to think about adding a soundtrack or sound effects, adjusting audio levels or recording audio of your own for a voiceover effect. Adding audio effects makes your movie feel less like a collection of video clips and more like …

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How to add title sequence in iMovie for iOS

To add a fun and informative element to your movie project, you can add a title sequence at the beginning — or at any point of the video, for that matter. To add a title, you will need to have started a movie project with at least one video clip in your timeline. Tap on the clip and then tap …

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