Matt Elliott

How to program a 30

My Comcast DVR died last week, so down I went to my local Comcast office to exchange it for a new box. Although I lost weeks’ worth of Modern Family (which, inexplicably, isn’t offered On Demand), my DVR’s death came at a good time because Comcast recently received a new fleet of cable boxes and …

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How to remove your phone number from Facebook

If you have been on Facebook recently, you may have seen a few of your friends update their status with this warning: ALL THE PHONE NUMBERS of your contacts are now on Facebook! Go to the top right of the screen, click on ACCOUNT, click on EDIT FRIENDS, left side of screen and click CONTACTS. You will see all phone …

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How to delete text messages from the iPhone

Perhaps when iOS 5 arrives this fall, it will offer a way to delete text messages en masse. Currently, your deleting options are limited in the iPhone’s native texting app, which is disappointing to anyone with dozens if not hundreds of old text messages littering your inbox. At the present, you have three methods to delete texts: 1. The fastest …

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