Mark Harris

Amazon Kindle Fire 2 complete guide

When the first Amazon-skinned Android tablet — the Kindle Fire, pictured above — arrives in the US on 15 November, the $200 (£125) device promises to be the smoothest and most seamless gadget for media consumption ever. And that includes the iPad. While the Kindle Fire has yet to spark into life — there is …

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Motorola Nexus complete guide

When Google ploughed £7.8bn into buying Motorola Mobility this summer, one question immediately sprang to mind: would the new company be called Googlorola or Motoggle? Then we had another thought: when their first collaboration hits the streets, just how awesome will it be? If Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) and the new Motorola Razr are anything to go by, we …

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Tablet buying guide

Since Apple launched the iPad in 2010, the world has gone tablet crazy, swallowing 65 million of them in 2011 — and we’re set to double the dose in 2012. There’s something utterly irresistible about the combination of a great big colourful touchscreen, a powerful processor, easy connectivity and thousands upon thousands of bite-size apps. Computing no longer means booting …

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Laptop buying guide

If you believe the headlines, the first rule about buying a laptop today is to forget about buying a laptop today. These bloated, annoying, space-hogging gadgets are apparently painfully obsolete compared to modern, sleek and sexy tablet computers. But just hold on a minute! Laptops still outsell tablets four to one, and sales in 2012 are expected to top a …

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Ultra HD, gesture control and cloud PVR: We show you the future of TVs and home cinema

Three years is a long time in the tech world, but it’s the blink of an eye in tellyland. In the 20-teens we’ll still be watching EastEnders and shouting at Match of the Day on (what’s left of) the BBC, but the screens we’ll be viewing them on could be very different. The connected home will finally come out from …

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3D, 4G and laser projectors: We look to the future of mobile phones

Predicting the future of mobiles is easy — devices will get thinner, Steve Jobs will get richer and the names of Android handsets will become increasingly smug. Magic? Incredible? Ultima? It can only be a matter of weeks before the HTC Stupendous Chocolate-Covered Jesus handset is available for £99 on a two-year contract. Read on to hear of other mobile …

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Extreme home cinema: Most ludicrous AV setups ever

Think your 50-inch plasma and 7.1 surround-sound system are the pooch’s pods? Unless they’re plated in gold and built into a hot-air balloon, think again. Welcome to our round-up of ten of the most awesome (and occasionally awful) home-cinema installations on the planet. If you want to join them, remember you won’t just need a six-figure budget — it’ll help …

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