Luke Westaway

Apple TV doesn’t scare Samsung, but it should do

A Samsung exec has said the company isn’t scared by rumours that Apple is working on a TV set. “We’ve not seen what they’ve done, but what we can see is that they don’t have 10,000 people in R&D in the vision category,” Samsung’s AV product manager Chris Moseley told Pocket-lint. Moseley went on to …

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Samsung OLED TV coming to the UK this spring

Update: Samsung has been in touch to tell us that the spring release date it previously told us is inaccurate. In fact we can expect to see its OLED TV in the second half of the year, with no more specific date available at the moment. Original story follows. Samsung’s OLED TV, which blew our tiny minds when we saw …

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Motorola Defy Mini getting rugged in the UK in late March

Commence Defy-nal countdown! The rugged, wallet-friendly Motorola Defy Mini will be making its way to the UK in late March. Earlier reports pegged this tough, tiny Android-powered toy as winging its way to our high streets in February. But don’t be too disheartened, Motorola fans, for when it finally shows up, the Defy Mini will be sporting a pocket-pleasing 3.2-inch touchscreen, …

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ITV warns Apple off iTV name

ITV has reportedly written a letter to Apple, asking the company not to call its much-rumoured telly ‘iTV’, according to reports in the Telegraph. The paper reports that ITV (or ‘Channel Three’ if you were born before about 1975) boss Adam Crozier raised the issue with Apple in 2010 when he assumed control of the channel, and at the time received assurances …

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White Orange San Francisco 2 now on sale

Good news for hard-up fans of shiny white gadgets — a white version of the Orange San Francisco 2 is now on sale, bringing pearlescent Android thrills to those shopping on a budget. As you probably guessed from the name, the Orange San Francisco 2 is only available on Orange, but if you’re cool with that, the white version can …

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Pink Samsung Galaxy Note en route, looking rosy

A pink version of the Samsung Galaxy Note could be coming soon, delighting anyone who loves both massive phones and the Financial Times. Word of the rose-tinted goliath comes via GSMArena, which claims it’s been sent an image of the pink Note by an industry insider, showing the cheery-lookin’ blower alongside the sombre black and white versions. Unfortunately that image …

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Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update on 1 March?

Take this with a fistful of salt, but the Samsung Galaxy S2 will be getting updated to Ice Cream Sandwich on 1 March, if one industry speculator is to be believed. Frequent tweeter on the subject of all things tech Eldar Murtazin took to the micro-blogging service to say, “Android 4 aka ICS for SGS2 will be officially available from …

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Motorola Motoluxe motors to the UK in late February

The Motorola Motoluxe will be moseying on over to the UK later this month, giving those hunting for a mid-range smart phone reason to look interested. Meanwhile Amazon will be flogging it SIM-free from 22 March, priced at £250. We haven’t had the opportunity to give the Motoluxe the full review treatment yet, but comparing the specs with the price, …

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LG Optimus Vu is a 5

If you thought the 5.3-inch Samsung Galaxy Note was a huge flash in the gigantic pan, you were massively mistaken. LG is looking to make its own sled-sized smart phone, giving us a glimpse of the LG Optimus Vu in a new teaser trailer. This 5-inch mobile is different from Samsung’s Note in one major respect though — it boasts …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 not coming 22 March, says Samsung

Earlier today we reported the much-anticipated Samsung Galaxy S3 could be revealed on 22 March at a media event in France. Mais quel dommage — Samsung’s told us that event won’t have anything to do with new products. That’s a spot of bad news for Android fans hoping to get a glimpse of the follow-up to the marvellous Galaxy S2. …

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