Luke Westaway

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini NFC edition out in the UK this month

A fresh version of the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is out in the UK this month, adding NFC technology for those who enjoy slapping their phones together to transfer files. If you’re poised to purchase Samsung’s current S3 Mini, you might want to hold off for a few weeks, as the new edition promises to …

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Blockbuster UK entering administration, reports say

Hot on the heels of Jessops and HMV, it looks like another mainstay of the UK high street is at risk of disappearing, as rumours swirl that Blockbuster UK is poised to enter administration. Sky News reports that the DVD rental chain, which has over 500 shops across the country, has called in Deloitte — the same firm that is …

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Sony Xperia Tablet Z tipped to be waterproof, pack Jelly Bean

Smart phones get lonely sometimes — that’s why Sony is supposedly cooking up a 10.1-inch tablet companion to its latest Xperia Z mobile. The so-called Xperia Tablet Z (whatever Sony’s naming department is being paid, it’s not enough) has leaked via Japanese Twitter account Xperia Info, which says the mythical device will come packing a 1.5GHz quad-core processor. A waterproof …

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Netflix vs Lovefilm Instant: Study suggests you need both

Struggling to decide whether Netflix or Lovefilm Instant is a more comprehensive streaming service? A new number-crunching study suggests you need to splash out for both, as almost every film or TV show available for streaming in the UK is exclusive to one or the other, but not both. Statistics from Oric, a site we’ve previously covered that lists where you …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 breezes past 40 million sales mark

The Samsung Galaxy S3 may be six months old — which in smart phone terms means we’re fitting a stairlift in its house while the broadsheets write their obituaries — but it’s still earning Samsung big piles of cash, having hit the impressive 40 million sales mark. Samsung’s lofty sales figures represent channel sales — the number of units flogged …

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Sony Xperia Z tipped to ditch longstanding Timescape app

Sony is reportedly knocking its Timescape social app on the head, starting with its upcoming 5-inch waterproof monster, the recently revealed Xperia Z. The Timescape app is a mainstay of Sony’s Android mobiles, offering glassy blue transitions and a supposedly attractive way of keeping an eye on your contacts and various social networks. The app can usually be found filling …

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HTC One SV LTE lands on EE 4G, at bafflingly high price

HTC’s mid-range One SV LTE smart phone has surfaced on the UK’s only 4G network, but at a price that’s eye-wincingly high for the tech it contains. The phone is a slightly less powerful version of the HTC One S that was released in the first half of last year, offering a 1.2GHz dual-core processor and a bog-standard 4.3-inch, 480×800-pixel display. …

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When we haven’t been tinkering with our RaspBerry Pi computers or foaming at the mouth trying to buy a bargain-priced Nexus 4 from Google, we’ve spent 2012 in the cinema, feeding our geeky sides with a slew of movies that feature awe-inspiring gadgetry, push cinema forward using new technology or employ existing techniques to devastating effect. This year 3D has …

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BlackBerry subscribers drop for the first time amid cash woes

The number of BlackBerry subscribers has fallen for the first time in history, suggesting that the once-popular platform may now be on the wane. Subscriber numbers fell from 80 million to 79 million in the three months leading up to 1 December, the BBC reports. That’s not a major drop, but it’s significant nonetheless, as until now BlackBerry-maker RIM had …

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iPhone 5 battery worse with iOS 6.0.2, some owners complain

The iPhone 5‘s latest software update is hurting the phone’s battery life, some customers are complaining. The irate owners say that since installing the recently-released iOS 6.0.2 software, their mobiles are chugging on power reserves like there’s no tomorrow. Apple Insider says it’s seen a handful of readers getting in touch to bemoan the effect of the update, while other …

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