Lance Whitney

1 in 3 smartphone owners use device while driving

Do you still use your smartphone behind the wheel? At least a third of people polled do. Among two thousand drivers surveyed by McKinsey & Company, 35 percent revealed that they do use their smartphones while driving. And it’s likely more people do but just didn’t admit it. Out of the drivers who fessed up, …

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iPhone 5 users gobble up the most data in Europe, study says

iPhone 5 users in Europe are keeping mobile networks busy by eating up the most data. Among 125 devices included in a study out today by Arieso, users of the newest iPhone downloaded 50 percent more data than did those with an iPhone 4S and four times as much as did those with an iPhone 3G. But Samsung users also …

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Samsung unveils Galaxy S2 Plus with a shot of Android 4.1

A new Galaxy S2 phone is coming to town, though it isn’t much different than its predecessor. Announced today by Samsung, the Galaxy S2 Plus builds upon the S2 by including Android 4.1.2, aka Jelly Bean. Initially outfitted with Android 2.3 Gingerbread, the original S2 received an update to Android 4.0 last June and is finally due up for Android …

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Nexus 7 dock to go on sale this month for $39.99

Nexus 7 owners will soon be able to pick up an Asus-made dock for their Asus-made tablet. Citing a “reliable source,” The Verge says that Asus will offer the dock in the U.S. within the next two weeks at a price tag of $39.99. Though the Nexus 7 is branded and sold under Google’s name, Asus is the actual manufacturer. …

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Landlines, you’re out! T

T-Mobile has finally made the big leagues. The wireless carrier has has signed a deal with Major League Baseball to beef up certain stadiums with its own brand of wireless technology. Coming up to bat will be a new wireless “on-field communication system” connecting managers in the dugouts with their coaches in the bullpen. The carrier will replace the old-fashioned …

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Tablet shipments to outshine notebooks this year, says report

Tablets will edge out notebooks in global shipments this year, according to a report out yesterday from NPD DisplaySearch. Tablet shipments are expected to surpass 240 million, while notebooks shipments will reach around 207 million. For the first time ever, tablets will grab more than 50 percent of the annual market share this year, up from around 38 percent last …

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Smartphone shipments to hit 1 billion this year, says report

The smartphone industry will ship more than 1 billion units before the year is over, according to a preview of a Deloitte report due out next week. And that number could actually come closer to 2 billion, at least based on Deloitte’s definition of a smartphone. Most analysts and industry watchers consider a smartphone a device that runs a specific …

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Samsung still rules U.S. mobile market

Samsung continues to reign over the rest of the mobile-phone industry in the U.S., according to the latest stats from ComScore. Looking at the three months ending with November, Samsung won 26.9 percent of all mobile subscribers in the U.S., a 1.2 point gain from the prior three-month period. Apple took home second place with 18.5 percent of the market, …

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Samsung’s Galaxy Note to get Android 4.1 Premium Suite

Owners of the original Galaxy Note can soon look forward to a host of new features courtesy of Samsung’s Android 4.1 Premium Suite. Touted on the Galaxy Note Web page, the upgrade will deliver Android 4.1, aka Jelly Bean, to the original Note. But the Premium Suite kicks in several of its own options. A Multi Window feature lets you …

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Dish faces challenges ramping up its LTE network

Dish was recently given a thumbs up by the FCC to build its own LTE network, but the company is up against some stiff obstacles along the way. Last week, the Federal Communications Commission granted Dish’s request to allow it to use 40 MHz of spectrum in the 2 GHz band to create a 4G LTE network. At the time, …

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