Lance Whitney

Android 4.4.1 brings better photos to Nexus 5

Nexus 5 owners hoping to snap better pictures will get some help from Android 4.4.1. Due to launch in the next few days, the latest Android update is geared toward fixing and enhancing the Nexus 5’s picture-taking ability, The Verge said on Thursday. Speaking with Google’s Director of Engineering Dave Burke, The Verge learned that …

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Curvy LG G Flex begins global rollout next week

LG’s G Flex smartphone is finally expanding beyond its home base of Korea. The curved smartphone will be available for preorders in Singapore starting December 8 and go on sale in Hong Kong on December 13, LG said on Wednesday. In Hong Kong, the phone will be available through the country’s major mobile carriers and leading electronics chains. LG didn’t …

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2014 Honda Civic hits the lot with built

iPhone owners who pick up a 2014 Honda Civic will be able to chat with Siri without taking their hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road. Siri will be a key ingredient of Honda’s new Display Audio in-car technology when the Civic goes on sale Wednesday, the automaker has announced. Drivers with Bluetooth-connected iPhones will be able …

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Amazon offers free online storage to Android phone buyers

Want a little reward for your next Android smartphone purchase? Amazon is tempting buyers with a promise of free Cloud Drive storage. As part of its latest Cloud Drive promotion, the retail giant is doling out 50GB worth of free storage in return for buying select Android smartphones. The list of qualifying phones stretches out to five pages and includes …

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Watch out, Google. Vuzix smart glasses sell for $1,000

Consumers can now purchase a pair of smart glasses for $1,000. Dubbed the first commercially available “Smart Glasses,” the Vuzix M100 started shipping on Tuesday, according to the company. The first models off the line are going to registered developers and others who already ordered the product. But the M100 also is now available for preorder with a promised ship …

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KitKat is now the 1 percent

Android 4.4 KitKat is now officially a blip on the Android radar a month after its debut. Collecting Google Play stats during the seven days that ended Monday, Google’s Android developer dashboard found that KitKat now flavors 1.1 percent of all Android devices. Android 4.4 launched in early November, triggering its gradual rollout to phone and tablet users. As always, …

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Samsung may go cheaper with Galaxy Note 3 variant

Consumers who’ve shunned Samsung’s Galaxy Note 3 because of its $300 price tag may see a less-expensive version early next year. Previous rumors had suggested that Samsung would offer both premium and not-so-premium editions of the Note 3. An unnamed insider told blog site SamMobile that the lower-cost Note 3 Lite will appear at Mobile World Congress next year and …

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iPhone 5S or Galaxy S4 owner? What’s your problem?

Unhappy with your battery-sucking iPhone 5S or your overheating Samsung Galaxy S4? You’re not alone. Battery life and overheating issues were just two of the problems cited by users of four of today’s top smartphones in a new report from tech Q&A site FixYa. Released on Tuesday, FixYa’s Black Friday Smartphone Report revealed the top gripes among its site users …

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Tablets to carve out nearly half of PC market next year

Tablets will come close to outshipping notebooks and desktops in 2014. At least, that’s the latest forecast from research firm Canalys. In a report released Tuesday, Canalys predicted that tablets will account for almost 50 percent of the total worldwide PC market (which includes desktops, notebooks, and tablets) in 2014. Tablet shipments were less than half a million units behind …

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Smartphone shipments to surpass 1B this year

The world will see more than 1 billion smartphones shipped in 2013, research firm IDC said on Tuesday. Shipments this year will be more than 39 percent higher than those in 2012 and will soar to 1.7 billion by 2017, said IDC. Though smartphones are close to a saturation point in mature markets, demand continues to surge in emerging markets. …

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