Katie Collins

Twitter to dispel 5G coronavirus conspiracies with UK government resources

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. Twitter has partnered with the British government to take its fight against conspiracy theories linking coronavirus and 5G to the next level. The social media giant will prompt users who search for 5G on its platform to visit …

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UK to begin testing coronavirus contact

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. The UK on Monday said it’ll begin testing its coronavirus contact-tracing app this week as part of the next phase of its plan to lessen the spread of COVID-19. The trial will take place in one region and, if successful, the app will …

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Waiting for Apple and Google would ‘slow down’ UK contact

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. The UK on Tuesday explained why it won’t be adopting Apple and Google’s contact-tracing system for fighting the spread of the coronavirus, opting instead to use its own. In a House of Commons select committee session, Matthew Gould, CEO of NHSX, the UK …

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Apple and Google’s contact

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. Apple and Google’s joint effort to try to slow the spread of coronavirus may be launching sooner than previously thought. The two companies announced last week that they’re collaborating on a platform that will allow contact-tracing apps to work on iOS and Android …

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Apple’s Bluetooth policy is blocking contact

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. The widely touted next step in tackling the coronavirus’ spread is a series of phone apps, known as contact-tracing apps, that are being developed by many governments around the world. But France, which is hoping to release its app in May, says there’s …

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Europe’s contact

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO and CDC websites. All across Europe, governments are planning the next phase of their response to the coronavirus pandemic. Common to their various strategies is asking their citizens to download an app to allow for easier contact tracing.  Contact tracing, which typically involves a health worker …

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UN’s internet access goals won’t be met the way we’re going, research shows

There’s nothing like a global pandemic forcing us to stay at home and limiting our in-person interactions with others to remind us quite how much we rely on the internet. But while billions of people see internet access as a given, there’s a very real digital divide — 46% of the world’s population is still offline. In times of crisis, …

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Phone carriers beg people to stop setting fire to 5G masts, especially at hospitals

Thinking of setting a phone mast on fire? Please don’t. 5G phone masts across the UK and several other European nations have been subject to arson attacks in recent weeks due to the circulation of scientifically unsound conspiracy theories linking the spread of coronavirus to telecoms equipment. In a LinkedIn post on Tuesday, Vodafone CEO Nick Jeffries said that 20 …

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Europe develops coronavirus tracking app meant to also preserve privacy

Researchers and scientists across Europe are collaborating to develop apps that can track the spread of the coronavirus without violating the EU’s stringent privacy regulations. The Pan-European Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracing initiative (PEPP-PT) announced on Wednesday that it was releasing code for an app that it believes will allow for contact tracing while still abiding by the General Data Protection …

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UK developing coronavirus

The UK is reportedly mulling the introduction of a contact-tracking app that’ll alert people if they’ve been near someone with the coronavirus and should therefore self-isolate. A report by Sky News on Tuesday described how NHSX, the innovation arm of the UK’s National Health Service, has teamed with US company Pivotal to develop the app, which could be released when …

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