Joe Svetlik

iPhone 4S teardown, asks Siri what it’s made of

It might not be as pretty as an official Apple marketing shot, we admit, but this picture tells us all about what’s going on under the iPhone 4S’s bonnet. iFixit is behind the teardown (as it was with the iPhone 4 and the iPad 2 — these guys just love breaking things open), as reported …

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Samsung Galaxy Nexus to be announced 19 October

“Calling All First-to-knowers” reads the headline on the invite. Not exactly catchy, but it’s the Ice Cream Sandwich logo at the bottom that’s got us excited. The event is scheduled for next Wednesday, reports BGR, starting at 10am. Although that’s 10am in Hong Kong, where the event will be held — which works out as 3am UK time. Better get …

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BlackBerry outages due to message backlog

The BlackBerry outages are all down to a message backlog, apparently. A backup failure in Europe meant undelivered messages broke the entire global network, BlackBerry makers RIM said in a press conference this evening. It’s working to fix the situation, but users all over the world are still suffering, with some with no BBM, others no email or internet as well. Read …

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Nokia 800 Sea Ray ad leaks ahead of Nokia World

Nokia World is still a couple of weeks away, but the leaks they just come on a-comin’. Now two ads have leaked to Pocketnow showing off the tile-based user interface that can only be the Windows Phone operating system. And the big news is the handset known as the Sea Ray will be known as the Nokia 800, if the …

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Lucky Germans get Apple iPhone 4S delivered early

Oh to be in Germany — some lucky customers who pre-ordered their iPhone 4S have received them a full three days early, posting proof online last night, reports MacRumors. is the main culprit, with one buyer posting a series of pictures of the hardware as well as screenshots. One shows the handset resting on the packaging, as well as …

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ViewSonic ViewPad 10e has superior screen tech

We may have to wait until next year to get our hands on the iPad 3, but for the more budget-conscious tablet fan, there’s an Android model that may fill the gap. It’s the ViewSonic ViewPad 10e, coming next month, and while it looks like fitting right into the company’s budget product line, it features some pretty impressive screen technology. …

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Revealed: Siri’s hidden funny side

Translator, currency converter, alarm setter… it seems there’s no limit to Siri’s abilities. But here’s one we didn’t know about: comedian. Apple’s first demo showed if you asked Siri what it was, it’d reply it was a “humble personal assistant.” Well now a video has surfaced online of one lucky iPhone 4S owner experimenting by asking Siri some slightly unusual …

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HTC Jetstream unboxed and shown off on video

The HTC Jetstream is the company’s first 10-inch tablet — don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it though, as it hasn’t been announced for the UK yet. If it proves to be decent however, then who knows, it could well make its way over here. SlashGear has got its hands on the tablet and given its first impressions, and …

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Teaser ad hints Motorola Droid Razr coming next week

First, a word of warning: if you’re still recovering from the weekend, you might be advised not to check out this Motorola teaser video that’s been punted out today. It shows a series of images flashing on the screen while a heartbeat speeds up along with the rate of the images. And it gives us a fair hint of what’ll …

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Android Ice Cream Sandwich screenshots leak

Google and Samsung may have postponed Tuesday’s dual announcement of the Ice Cream Sandwich version of Android and the Galaxy Nexus, but it seems the two couldn’t stop screenshots of Ice Cream Sandwich leaking out. Look at it. It’s a beauty. The functionality looks pretty familiar, but it’s the graphics we can’t get over. It’s like they’ve put Tron in …

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