Joe Svetlik

Tim Cook is the most popular CEO of 2012

Tim Cook knew he had big shoes to fill when he took over from Steve Jobs last summer. But he seems to be doing a bang-up job, if a new report is anything to go by. Cook was named top-rated CEO of 2012 by Glassdoor, a jobs and careers website, BGR reports. He was awarded …

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Sony Ericsson Xperia ICS update delayed to mid

If you’re wondering where your update to Ice Cream Sandwich is for your Sony Ericsson Xperia phone, you’ve a little longer to wait, I’m afraid. Sony has announced the latest version of Android will reach the 2011 Xperia range in mid-April, with some not seeing the update until the summer. Sony initially announced the rollout would start mid-March, but that …

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Recently we reported how mobile manufacturers are locked in a standoff over what format the next generation of SIM cards should take. Now the vote has been postponed while the companies fight it out, the BBC reports. The industry was gearing up to vote, but they’ve all ended up squabbling like kids having a food fight. Hence the European Telecommunications …

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Sky Anytime+ now available through any ISP

Sky Anytime+, the on-demand online service, is now available regardless of who you have your broadband with — so if you’re a Sky subscriber but don’t get your broadband from Murdoch’s empire, you can still use the service. Previously, you needed an account with Sky Broadband to catch-up online. You’ll still need a Sky+ HD account, but Sky estimates another …

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Instagram for Android opens for pre

Instagram is coming to Android, and it’s not far off. The photo filter app now has a pre-registration page up, Engadget reports. So leave your details and you’ll be the first to know when it’s available. There’s still no word on when that’ll be but expect it to be soon. The app has been hugely popular on iOS, with over …

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Foxconn hiring 20,000 workers for iPhone 5 production

Foxconn is on a massive recruitment drive in order to meet demand for the iPhone 5, M.I.C. Gadget reports. The Chinese company has already received the order for the next generation mobile, according to the report, and because of strikes, it needs 20,000 more workers. We’re still expecting an Autumn launch though, in keeping with Apple’s standard timescale. That’s providing …

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HTC One X and One S on pre

The HTC One X and One S are now available for pre-order from Vodafone, and, just as predicted, the One X will come with Beats headphones. At least the first 10,000 units that are sold will. The One X is free on a £41 a month, two year contract. For that you get 900 minutes, unlimited texts and 1GB of …

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New iPad isn’t fully charged until 2 hours after saying so

Reports have surfaced online that the new iPad carries on charging once it says it’s fully juiced. So what’s going on? Ray Soneira from DisplayMate Technologies Corporation has looked into it. His findings suggest the new iPad isn’t fully charged until two hours and 10 minutes after it says it is, ZDNet reports. So if you want to get the …

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RIM giving out BlackBerry 10 handsets in May

RIM isn’t far off launching BlackBerry 10, as it’ll be handing out prototype models to developers in May, Bloomberg reports. RIM’s annual developer conference will be where those lucky technical types get their hands on prototypes running the new platform. About 2,000 of the handsets will be handed out, so developers can get busy making apps using the underlying operating …

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Steve Jobs rejected the new Apple TV‘s UI five years ago, according to an engineer who once worked on the product. And he claims now there’s no one at Apple to reject a bad design since Jobs’ passing, CNET reports. Michael Margolis tweeted: “Fun fact — those new designs were tossed out 5 years ago because SJ didn’t like them. Now …

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