Joe Svetlik

BlackBerry 10 will have video editor, screen sharing

Our US cousins went hands-on with BlackBerry 10 last week at BlackBerry World, but it RIM seemed to be keeping schtum about a few features. Well thankfully a forum user going by the name of Biggulpseh has leaked details aplenty on the new OS over at CrackBerry. So what can we expect? Well there’s screen …

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Samsung penalised for withholding source code in court case

A US judge has fined Samsung for withholding vital info in a patent infringement case with Apple. Naughty Samsung. The case concerns the ‘blue glow’ feature in TouchWiz, Foss Patents reports. Samsung argued it didn’t infringe Apple’s patent on the ‘scrollback’ feature in iOS. This shows a background texture when you scroll beyond the edge of a document or web page …

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Samsung wants to buy some phone companies

Samsung may have overtaken Nokia as the biggest shipper of phones in the world, but it’s not resting there. Speaking at the launch of the Galaxy S3 — the company’s latest flagship — Samsung’s president of mobile business said he was looking at taking over other mobile makers for research and development. But no, he didn’t mean RIM, before you …

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Apple in talks to bring Epix films to Apple TV set

According to more murmurings about the much-rumoured forthcoming Apple TV set, the Cupertino company is in talks to stream films owned by Epix on its Apple TV as well as numerous devices including a standalone TV set, Reuters reports. Epix is a US TV channel that’s a joint venture between Viacom (Paramount Pictures), MGM and Lionsgate, offering movies from all …

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RIM won’t unveil any new handsets at BlackBerry World

RIM is holding its annual BlackBerry World conference in Florida next week. If you were heading down hoping to catch sight of some new phones though, there’s bad news: RIM won’t be showcasing any new devices, CNET reports. Still, there’s always Disney World down the road. Instead, BlackBerry World will be software-only, with the BlackBerry 10 operating system taking pride of …

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Android engineer: waiting 5 months for ICS is reasonable

How long should you have to wait to get the latest version of Android? A software engineer at Google reckons five months is perfectly reasonable. Jean-Baptiste Queru, a Google employee working on Android, posted on his Google Plus page about the Sony Tablet S getting the bump to Ice Cream Sandwich, the latest version of the operating system. “It took …

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Terrible picture of Samsung Galaxy S3 shows 4.7in screen

This blurry pic was sent to Know Your Mobile, and the tipster claims it’s the Samsung Galaxy S3. They also claim the phone will feature a 4.8-inch screen. It’s pretty hard to tell, with a picture of this quality, but let’s look at the evidence. The source says there are no hardware buttons on the device, though the same source …

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Wozniak: WP7.5 more intuitive and beautiful than Android

Never far from the limelight, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has popped up in an interview with a New Domain (via The Verge). And the man loves Microsoft’s Windows Phone. During the seven minute pow-wow, Woz waxes lyrical over the mobile operating system, repeatedly complimenting it on its looks, calling it “more intuitive and beautiful” than Android. He even said iOS feels …

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Windows Phone version of Samsung Galaxy S3 coming?

Just days before the Galaxy S3 is officially unveiled comes word that the Android device will be making the jump to Windows Phone soon. According to Windows Phone Life, Samsung will use the Galaxy S3 as the basis for its first Windows Phone 8 device. So while the phone will have the same design and specs as the S3, it’ll …

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Apple and Samsung to meet on 21

The date has been set. The CEOs of Apple and Samsung will meet on 21 and 22 May for settlement talks — and will hopefully decide to stop suing each other once and for all. The talks will take place in San Francisco and will be overseen by Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero, who’ll hopefully stop the squabbles and name …

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