Joe Svetlik

Samsung Galaxy S3 ROM leaks, S

The Samsung Galaxy S3 doesn’t go on sale until 30 May — or 29 May if you head down to the Samsung store in London’s Westfield shopping centre in Stratford — but here’s how to get a taste of it right now. The full ROM has leaked over at Android Police, so if you have …

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Amazon prepping 10.1

We’re still awaiting the Kindle Fire on these shores, but already comes word that Amazon is preparing a much bigger version to launch this summer. DigiTimes reports the book pusher is working on a 10.1-inch version of the Android tablet, to take on the iPad. This bigger Fire — the hardback to the existing model’s paperback — is expected to …

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Apple tries to ban Galaxy Tab in US days before peace talks

So hang on. Just two days before Apple and Samsung are due to sit down and start settlement talks over their ridiculous patent wars, Apple has tried to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the US. Poor form. The Californian company filed for a preliminary injunction against the Samsung device, Foss patents reports. Samsung has already got around these bans …

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Apple ‘yet to decide’ on new iPhone design

Despite supposedly still being set to launch in October, the next iPhone doesn’t have a final look yet. That’s according to a report by iMore. The Home button is said to be present and correct on the forthcoming device, but sources say the screen, finish, and basically everything concerning the look and feel of the device is yet to be …

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Foxconn is “making preparations” for Apple iTV

Foxconn, the company that manufactures Apple’s iPad and iPhone, is making preparations for the Apple iTV. That’s according to Terry Gou, Foxconn’s CEO, China Daily reports. There’s no direct quote from Gou, so it’s possible that he just hinted at the fact. Maybe he doesn’t want to reveal one of Apple’s biggest launches and risk losing business with the Cupertino …

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Apple rumoured to be buying Loewe, hints at iTV design?

Apple might be buying Loewe, the German maker of luxury tellies, AppleInsider reports. If it does prove true, this could be the biggest clue yet as to what to expect from the Cupertino company’s upcoming TV set. Namely, a clean aesthetic, big screens and plenty of customisation options. There might not be long to wait as a source claims Loewe, …

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Apple pulls 4G claims for new iPad following complaints

Apple has dropped all mentions of 4G from its new iPad. Previously billed as ‘Wi-Fi + 4G’, the new iPad is now described as ‘Wi-Fi + Cellular’. Head over to the Apple site and you can see for yourself. This follows a barrage of complaints about how the tablet is described. While technically capable of connecting to LTE bands, it only …

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Nokia 808 PureView torn apart, all 41 megapixels on show

Nokia’s 808 PureView has been submitted to The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US to check it’s all above board. And while they were checking it’s safe for sale, those FCC boys tore it apart and snapped a load of pics of its insides. There’s a ton of other info on the handset along with the snaps, including the …

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Apple seeks to take over domain name

Apple naming the latest iPad just “the new iPad” has set off a flurry of rumours about what it’ll call the next iPhone. Well this could be a hint — the Cupertino company has filed a claim with the World Intellectual Property Organisation, seeking to gain control of the domain name, Mac Rumors reports. Previously Apple has been slower …

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Samsung penalised for withholding source code in court case

A US judge has fined Samsung for withholding vital info in a patent infringement case with Apple. Naughty Samsung. The case concerns the ‘blue glow’ feature in TouchWiz, Foss Patents reports. Samsung argued it didn’t infringe Apple’s patent on the ‘scrollback’ feature in iOS. This shows a background texture when you scroll beyond the edge of a document or web page …

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